Sunday, February 8, 2009


hola,still feeling crappy.

i read today 'some days you're the baby and other days you're the diaper'.well i feel like i've been somebodies poopy diaper for awhile now and i just hope it's not David Vetter's (GOP sex joke).

the crip listservs have been awash with screeds against the octuplet single mother,look at the NBC interview, the woman is obviously METALLY ILL,she's one of ours DEAL WITH IT.
speaking of which, my youngest son is severely bipolar and insists that he is OK but the rest of the planet is screwed up (hard to argue with that point) and has in the past said mean things designed to be heartbreaking and hurtful (sigh).

i am not,by nature,an especially tolerant or forgiving man. i carry grudges like old deep emotional scars which never heal ( i am a Scorpio and like the funny horoscope says "MOST Scorpios are murdered.") but i forgive my youngest, sorta, i understand his argument-my Ex delights in pointing out we argue in exactly the same way,tis true.

Buddhist tradition says that there is no Evil merely Error,i disagree i have encountered EVIL and even Buddhism contradicts itself when it mentions The Short Path to Enlightenment-the Short Path being EVIL (see Alec Baldwin's version of The Shadow for details). my son is Not Evil merely headstrong and misguided,if you run into a goodlooking but erratic young half black man who is the stubbornest person you'll ever meet-it's him.
pray for him if you're into that sorta thing.

in other news,
we're still waiting for the other shoe to drop in Sacramento and D C.if you're a poor crip you know what the ride to the guillotine felt like...only we're getting the punishment without the pleasure first.
LIFE ISN'T FAIR,DEATH IS (see prior blogs)

joined DISABOOM last week, in an effort to reach more people.the first private message i got was from a Nigerian money scam in the UK.(sigh) is what it is.

namaste y'all

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