Thursday, February 26, 2009


aloha,me again.
a lil less dark this time,
there are boobs involved,promise.

over the last 17 years me and Soul Mate have lost at least 3 friends that we Know committed suicide.they were all crips who had reached the end of their rope,we miss them.they were GOOD PEOPLE! momento mori.
Soul Mate has suggested the real reason i have not pulled the plug is CURIOSITY and ROMANCE. natural nosiness on the one hand and seeing the ruins of my own parents marriage lead me looking for the genuine alternative (ACA remember?)
when i stopped typing yesterday i recalled King Amfortas (sp?) from the Grail Mythos who had the vaguely described WOUND THAT WOULD NOT HEAL,some think it was an STD or gangrene,i think maybe it was Depression,PTSD or suicidal thots.Maybe huh?

completely off topic,
i told you about NASTY J & our nude talk therapy sessions (for balance there was a divorced older bisexual NICE J -AKA 'Normalwoman" who had the same birthday,when they met THEY HATED EACH OTHER.same birthday,same name,different peeps).

since i hit Californicatia lesbians have liked me. esp. the butchy/flannel dykes.
when i worked at the swank hotel where i met Korak The Killer and Andre my boss was a slender blonde lesbian dyke "EVE" who wore her shirt unbuttoned to the navel (no bra) under her loose uniform blazer,later she trained "STEVIE" to take her place,same shirt ettiquette (no bra).now the open shirt look is okay as long as you stand erect with shoulders back,the swank hotel waitresses showed slightly more skin.
now in hotels Housekeeping knows that Security is always staffed by loners,psychos,drunks and perverts (sex addicts) so whatever porn or weapons is left behind ends up in the Security office,some good stuff i'd be flipping thru the latest Penthouse or glossy stroke zine and Eve and Stevie would come in to make comments leaning over my shoulder like 'i'd do her!' or 'i'd tap that!' now the first time it happened i thought it was accidental but the other times when pink nipples and entire breasts popped out and stayed out...
Eve was a large A cup or small B but Stevie was a generous pink nippled D cup easy.i knew they were both screwing with me and it was showing off sexual but basically i am basically an ass & leg man but still this was jarring,a lil.
i had seen my then BFF Asian naked fresh from her shower and it was no biggie, we were all nude beach regulars in those days.still sunny everybody naked versus hot breath in both ears exposed in a tight space,you get the Eve quit and Stevie soon got fired,some of it for nipple exposure and dumbness.this preceded my wedding and nude reception with GriZelda and Nasty J then the nude therapy talks,just so you keep the timeline straight.i think this blog is my version of a Nasty J talk session,hmmmm...

ah, a crip tie in.
Nasty J had friends who created ON OUR BACKS a cutting edge (for the 80s)lesbian stroke and arts zine.Nasty J was in one of the naked 'dogpiles' photo sets and they were the first place i saw naked disabled lesbians as sex objects,now they have websites evoking CRIP PRIDE while showing 'the flag '(sic).have to ask my manhandler gay friends whether the beauty worshipping gays have adopted this yet? there are a few het websites devoted to Amputtee Porn,some real and some Photoshop (check out World Sex News if you're into that).different strokes???
(PAUSE TO THINK NAKEDLY SEXUAL THOTS- remind me to mention Bloody Mary sometimes okay?)

in other news,
still shifting thru what Obama's Stimulus Package (that does sound suggestive doesn't it?) means to crips , me & mine.
GOOGLE Marty Omoto or CDCAN to get the latest skinny,until the starveling economy kills his website anyway.
semper gumby

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