Monday, February 16, 2009


have apparently resumed my normal state of misery.
more on Pitt and Penny later.

NYC 1970
my second Cougar GF (a few months older than my mom but much nicer) was brain damaged,seriously.she'd somehow survived a severe brain anuersim which left her unable to perform her profession,acting and modeling, and left her with major panic attacks everytime she got 'lost' in the neighborhood she'd lived in for ten years.
it did leave her a gift,ambiguous at best, PSYCHOMETRY.she could touch something you owned and pick up your psychic signature and people you'd met while you wore it.not a good GF to lie to.wish i'd thought to ask where exactly her brain exploded.

SF 1980s
my Pinoy neighbor, the ghost talker, was just your average shallow immature dick obsessed older woman except when it came to the dead. the first thing she did when she moved in with us,me and Korak The Killer -for she was his wife, was set up a shrine FOR THE LITTLE PEOPLE.being a mythology sponge i had some idea what this meant and sure enough the dead came trooping up the back stairs soon enough to leave messages for loved ones or to get directions to The Light (no she did not look like busty whatsherface on The Ghost Whisperer but from my knowledge of the Paranormal and ESP apparently the TV series isn't that far off).

LA 1960s
met a girl who was an Albino Native American (half blood at best) who went into trances and induced them in others (including me but i was doing lots of LSD at the time). Native Americans i've met literally live in a different spiritual universe than we inhabit,much to their detriment i think.

so when scientists tell you they can't PROVE the existence of ESP, ghosts,UFOs,dark matter or they ever think that Perhaps NOT EVERYTHING IN THE UNIVERSE IS WITHIN THEIR MEASURE?
how much does God weigh? or True Love or the soul? or Regret? c'mon guys and gals, how much?
i read a LOT of sci fi as a kid so my brain doesn't automatically slam shut on the 'far out' as quickly as most peoples.


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