Saturday, March 7, 2015

my ex brother... /2 brother

hokay, so i've wasted enuff time n energy 
fretting over building a new blog from scratch 
be4 i hit a million pageviews,... so here we go afresh..

"The Truth? You can't handle The Truth!" 
Jack Nicholson, A Few Good Men..

om Facebook
he "It's been so long (10=+years) I can't even remember what we are arguing about.".
me" i do and i can forgive but never forget."
he..............(no response)......
like my ex,The Mirage, my ex brother seems incapable of admitting GUILT about anything..let me explain. 

altho i grew up with cameras there were very few pictures of my immediate family around. one of my maternal grandmother.,one of each grandfather and a few of my father and mother including one where they were young and looking happy at a local  they were important to me.(have one picture of Mother which i took at a huge family reunion in L.A. for which i'd paid her fare both ways,still nothing

i had begged Mother to make copies for me but she never did so i packed everything away in a huge steamer trunk as asked her to ship to me in KALIpornia and she never did...for 20+ years.all that was required of her and my ex bro was to make one phone call and be at home for the pick up.i would pay for everything period......

for 20 years,  also in the trunk were my first acrylics paiitngs and my fathers WW2 DD214 which was his service record,which i found after his death, plus his medal and some foreign currency from europe and the south pacific..the bigger tragedy is that the VA had a huge fire in Missouri and plenty of WW2 files and when i wrote them they had nothing i have no family history to show The Stone Boyz ...........(my aunt's visit to NYC in 1987  when Mother was very ill saw the trunk hauled-unopened- to a junk yard and dumped along with the genuine silver dollars for every year the family was born).....

plus my ex bro was a notorious  womanizer and aside from his wife recruiting unpaid spies thru out Harlem to keep track of his exploits he was also a probable herpes donor but he couldn't be bothered to verify that diagnosis something i saw in person when he and his long suffering wife visited.even tho it's been years the wound has not healed. having a very good memory is no defense against heartbreak, it probably aggravates it to a that and his Gimme attitude, he only called when he wanted something and made vague promises about that trunk ,,is why i decided to dump his sorry ass but i dd offer to forgive him but he apparently declined as did his dottir who'd tracked me down on FB to begin with. go figure..

forgive but don't forget?

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