Tuesday, December 21, 2010


"Many desire to kill me, 
and many wish to spend an hour 
chatting with me.The Law protects me
from the former." Karl Kraus, misanthrophe

aloha 2u,
this new insulin is REALLY messing with my head so i will attempt to be coherent here.

1.in am generally NOT a fan of Post Apocalyptic movies, since i fear we are living thru one.

FACT despite Conventional Wisdom there is surviving megalithic structures around the planet,from turkey to mesomerica and peru we find massive massive structures of indestructible granite and diorite which tell us we are NOT the first worldwide civilization on this planet.just friendly reminders from the past? or ominous warnings?
FACT you all know the work of  supergenius NIKOLA TESLA ..
you say you don't?
in almost every FRANKENSTEIN movie there is a large metal device which crackles with electrostatic energy,that device is a TESLA COIL (look it up)
FACT we are entirely wrong in our usage of finite fossil fuels and wasteful explosive internal combustion engines.heard recently the best car engines are about 70 percent efficient. we are killing our planet to drive to jobs we often despise.so we are committing needless planet wide genocide...for a profit.
FACT last week or so PAKALERT PRESS published a story " UFOS are Tesla' flying saucers".and strangely enuff if you scope Tesla's Wikipedia mention it does mention that Tesla proposed flying devices of discs and cigar shapes which were powered by "teleforce", his version of what science is now calling Dark Energy or Dark Matter. the thing with so called Dark Energy is that it makes up about 85 percent of the known universe, which means for human purposes it is infinite.
FACT Conventional Wisdom sez TIME TRAVEL IS IMPOSSIBLE DUE TO ENERGY CONSTRAINTS, YOU'D NEED ALL THE ENERGY PRODUCED ON PLANET EARTH TO POWER SUCH A DEVICE...what if you weren't limited to planet earth??? we will return to this and the Theory of Time Traveling Nazis, i promise.

FACT NIKOLA TESLA   july 1846 -jan 1943
(see Wiki bio for more details) born in Serbia  and generally recognized as :the father of the second Industrial Revolution" ,worked with Edison and Westinghouse among others.in 1895 he designed the first hydroelectric power plant at Niagra Falls, fought Edison's choice of DC (direct current) with his own invention of AC (alternating current) which we still use today.then in 1891 he invented the Tesla Coil still used in radio and tv electronics, he also developed flourescent light ( can't win em all), laser beams,wireless communication, wireless transmission of electrical energy!   the principles of remote control and robotics.
FACT TESLA NEVER FAILED he just got into fueds and got his funding yanked or inventions proved too disastrous for the current energy cartels to manage.

THEORY Tesla's "teleforce" is tapping into Dark Matter as channeled by the World Energy Grid (straight ley lines, which are man made NOT natural) as relayed thru our humble planet and sun. Tesla predicied that the energy of our sun is electric NOT nuclear, we live in an ELECTRIC UNIVERSE (see aerther,prana, chi etc etc) which some Quantum Physics are just now tiptoeing around.newspapers often asked Tesla if he had invented a "death ray" like in the dime novels, in fact he had.

BTW WILHEM RIECH,a rogue disciple of Freud, broke away to discover what he called ORGONE ENERGY based upon his own work with human orgasms.generally regarded as a quack his ORGONE BOX (basically a coffin filled with earth, like vampires use..?) promised to cure all ills and energize you tremendously. on the flipside was DOR Deadly Orgone Radiation, which he demonstrated could break up clouds,change the weather and possibly kill from a distance..a death ray. a cheap affordable death ray that almost anyone could build...for his work Reich was by fedgov imprisoned and his books  burned.if he was such a quack why take the then unusual task of tossing him in jail and burning his books????(and yes, i have read some of his books which survived)

BTW 2 speaking of book burning,the Germans were the supreme orientalists of their era,please note  the swastika faces left -a sign of the LEFT HAND PATH or THE SHORT PATH , what we'd call EVIL (see THE SHADOW with Alec Baldwin for a superb depiction of this).
 Hitler spend millions on expeditions to Tibet and India,researching a so called Aryan Race but also finding old Vedic tech manuals and translating them into German, this they augmented with Tesla's public inventions,***Werner von Braun was an esp big fan of Tesla...

FACT as early as 1911 Tesla spoke openly about airships without wings or propellars powered by electrical energy,note this was b4 World War One  and planes were made mostly of baling wire and canvas AND HE DID NOT MENTION ZEPPLINS..

IMHO what got Tesla into trouble was his proto socialist notions that energy was a human right and should therefore be provided by govt for FREE(see Bryrclifffe sp?)

if you've ever heard the rumors of car engines running on water then being bought up and yanked by the car companies or take the latest example of COLD FUSION which was mocked and derided here and ultimately its inventor killed..meanwhile in Europe and Japan Cold Fusion is still being bench tested and found to work, anyway Tesla's concept of OVER UNITY is like that.

it either
A)produces more energy,often much more energy, than it consumes 
or B) it uses no visible energy at all ,using rotating often counter spun magnetism and principles of harmonics we have mostly lost. remember that MUSIC IS THE MOST MATHEMATICAL OF THE ARTS thus the most scientific, computers can write music as well as play chess...
i admit a bias as Tesla is one of my fave SCIENCE HEROES but
FACT when he died Hoover's FBI had 80 crates of his writings seized and classified,never to see the light of day?

ROSWELL one thing that has always bothered me about Roswell is that the military had a PLAN IN PLACE for squelching all info gathered there, leave out the lil green men crap, the tech was found then cordoned off, classified then trucked off the Wright Patterson in Ohio.i have seen mention of the so called Blue Berets, crash retrival teams...there are usually reports of odd markings like hieroglyphs found on this tissue thin but durable UFO skins.
History and History Internal has a lot of documentaries about Nazis,UFO and general fortean weirdness.
some peeps are just kooks and ET is behind everything from the Ice Ages to Mammal evolutions (more on that later too) when the only toll you have is a hammer than you treat everything you find as a nail SIGH.
lets leave ET out of the equation until we have too okay?

one recent docu caught my eye, NAZI SECRET SUPER WEAPONS or something which mention things like jet engines, VTOL Nazi fighters,the New York Killer bomber and ballistic missiles projects and just plain old batshit crazy stuff. one which caught my eye was dubbed The Bell, a metallic dome about ten feet high and five feet wide with no weapons or wings, what could it be?
built in Poland it consumed enormous amounts of energy but for what purpose..? the excited announcer said that this was the exact device found on 9 dec 1965 in Kecksberg,Pa (see Wikipedia entry) which blazed across several states then was found and removed by the army in record time.hmmmmmm.....the excited announcer then said this is how Hitler Escaped Berlin, which is nonsnense.

1.Hitler did not die in the bunker, there are too many stories and details which do not match beside there were several "Hitler doubles" ,just as Churchill and possibler FDR had theirs ,to foils assassins.several were placed at the bunker b4 the alleged 'suicides'.
2.FACT the Hitler Skull the Soviets found in the Hitler Bunker is DNA female...
3.Hitler possibly escaped Berlin via subway to Templehof airport where his fave female,
WHO JUST 'HAPPENED' TO BE IN TOWN THAT DAY ***sigh , pilot flew him to safety in Italy or Swizterland.
FACT Hitler had Parkinsons and was probably lil more than a figurehead to ODESSA & DER SPINNE...there are vague rumors that Hitler and Eva Braun had a son who ended up being a jazz player in the Netherlands and wanted nothing to do with the Fourth Reich...
4.TIME TRAVELING NAZIS...am still trying to wrap my head around it, but The Bell and the Kecksberg UFO seem to be identical right down to the mystery runes of script along the rim, was it just a test or did some few Nazis escape to....
5. FACT you are aware that OPERATION PAPERCLIP (as referenced on the X FILES) did indeed bring thousands of unrepentant Nazis over here to help fight 'the Cold War'? well we did, and not just non-combatant rocket scientists,in one of the more shameful acts in us history,which is saying a lot...
6. what was six...1947, the year i was born saw the creation of the CIA and the first appearance of UFOs Over America and Roswell.Tesla had been dead and buried 4 years and AREA 51was being mapped  with the longest modern runways on earth for expanded super top secret programs...

"GEN 6:2 That the sons of God saw the daugthers of men
that they were fair;and they took them wives of all that they chose."

okay okay this has been bugging me for a week, what kinds of Angels did Lot have to protect from lusty towns people? Angels with physical sexual organs?

 Angels apparently who like to fuck human wimmin and spawn offspring?
 who exactly are these SONS OF GOD?
FACT it is predicted that we can spawn with chimps since we share 98% of their DNA
THEORY what if we go up the food chain and some peeps decide to take a dip in our gene pool,bestiality much?
who or what the Sons of God were/are is unknown but they apparently share enuff of our DNA to breed, like dogs we are off the same species Homo Sap.

speaking of breeding
seen in tow places now that our universe has FOUR BRUISES from possible bumps in the Membrane of the cosmos spawning 4 daughter universes with laws of physics different than ours, if you do any research of Fairie Lore you will note the time dilation effect,a human spends a few days or week with the faerie (who are not all Disney Tinkerbell saccahrine cuteness) and returns to find years or even generations have passed here on earth, this is across all the cultures i have surveys about 50 i think.also common them of the CHANGELING child and breeding with human wimmin
like various warped UFO Abducitee contacts,
are the Sons of God still out there?
what is their motive other than survival as a species???
some researchers are getting hip to NOT E.T. but E.D.-Extra Dimensionals or Exo Dimensionals

THEORY instead of dying off maybe our ancestors shifted to an adjacent dimension where they could keep tabs on us and give a nudge when needed? was ATLANTIS maybe a spaceship or shift-ship across The Bleed (see prior blog) i am still digesting this one,stay tuned.
heads hurt now?, more to come...

next, back to our irregularly scheduled vitriol and abuse...

namste y'all

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