Friday, July 9, 2010


"Who knew the old man had SO much blood in him?" MacBeth (a rough paraphrase)

there comes a time, perhaps on the second or third day you lay abed watching a strangers blood drip drip drip drip into your veins, when it seems that your life outside a hospital bed is all an elaborate illusion...the weather here in PARADISE has been grim overcast and chill until lately so naturally i have spent most of this sunless summer week either in a medical clinic or OUTPATIENT ONCOLOGY transfusion bed (twice) HUGE SIGH.
if i don't STROKE OUT before finish8ng this i might or might not be..fine?
a well meaning nurse informed me that SOME PEEP GET TRANSFUSIONS FOR YEARS WITHOUT A FIRM DIAGNOSIS.oh goodie....(sarcasm there)

got my second and third transfusions this week. my blood pressure is almost as high as the pre junk orbiting space shuttle and they asked me if I HAD ANY STRESS???? oh where to begin. i gave a jagged thumbnail of my family constellation, crazed nabes,catch 22 park rules and week long surprise stay by an e-friend correspondent turned refugee house guest,luckily they were also asphalting our mobile park streets so she too was forced to flee this week, finally.

LeBron who?
as Cheney would say about BP lying it's collective ass off about Gulf leakage SO?!

OSCAR GRANT...i would've voted Murder Two for the rogue cop and gassed OJ while i was at it,so there.

PAGANI has new artwork, check it out.
MY EX-THE MIRAGE was a homecare worker last i heard.
my friend G MAN is a home buyer,despite the goddamn lawyers.

no matter whose blood i got i still think O BOMBER is screwing the pooch (military slang for f*ck up) in KARZAI-stan.blood will tell, ours & theirs apparently.this week RACHEL MADDOW has shown the even darker underbelly of our misadventures there....SIGH OH MY MY.

something else i wanted to kvetch about (humor attempt)
should hospital tvs be allowed to show episodes of HOUSE,GREYS ANATOMY & HAWTHORNE to their captive audiences? just askin'

namaste y'all
semper gumby
murky mega

1 comment:

  1. I just brought my sister back from the hospital after a case of cellulitis in her face. I can say now that the lack of competence in the medical community continues to amaze me. Sometimes you really have to just work things out on your own so the doc can appear at the end like David Copperfield and go 'ta da' without actually having done anything.

    Meanwhile I recently found out that my blood pressure is very high (200/110) and prevented a doctor from killing me by giving me meds that must never be taken together. More proof that one is often on ones own in figuring this stuff out.

    I know the world is falling apart around me but I tell myself it's just part of the show. If life isn't just a bit of meaningless melodrama for entertainment purposes only then what is it good for?

    Thanks for the plug. :)
