Friday, January 29, 2010


"Nobody's is interested in sweetness and light." Hedda Hopper (famous last century gossip monger)

RIP Howard Zinn 87 ( people's Historian)
J D SALINGER 91 (famous author)

PAGANI, many thanx 4 giving me hope in/for Humanity. YOU ARE A JEWEL..

penises look funny, like dead fruit, not at all Manly unless aroused & humongous (thanx 4 nothing Big John Holmes) , besides if women can be displayed as slaves & trophies does it not diminish men to be also shown equally powerless?
"THE PICKLE SHOT" in LEAVING SARAH MARSHALL was funny and i think we can do more. i think penises on the whole are Funny, especially sunburnt ones...i think the fact most directors are men, ditto producers.
INFORMAL SURVEY..I WATCH TOO MUCH TV, GUILTY AS CHARGED late at nite i have taken to watching the boring skin flicks/series and have broken it down into three categories
1.tits only, usually implants
2,tits and female crotch, usually shaved.
3.tits ( natural mostly), crotch and penises.
the third category is usually better made and more entertaining and usually has a FEMALE WRITER/DIRECTOR! i would tell you the names of the better shows but its in short term memeory not storage, just a thot.
BTW JESUS and the others were crucified NAKED as was the Roman custom, the first anti penis bias maybe?

after watching Pres.O BOMBER issue his STATE OF THE UNION address Soul Mate declared him a MUPPET, i like the image.

i cringed last week to hear O BOMBER declared "a progressive president like Clinton" file this under PEOPLE UNCLEAR OF THE CONCEPT. SIGH.
SINGLE PAYER HEALTHCARE=PROGRESSIVE the crap they are serving now NOT.
the daily fishwrap here (The Senile) declared healthcare on " life support" above the fold this morning and the lead story was the Sheriff's doing more and more 'peaceful evictions'.
once the rate was ONE EVICTION EVERY SEVEN MINUTES 24/7 i don't know of any wimpy measures O BOMBER has done to lessen that.u will recall a prior blog where i mentioned that the WALL STREET BAILOUT could have paid off EVERY MORTGAGE IN AMERICA, that's what a PROGRESSIVE PRESIDENT WOULD'VE DONE...HUGE HUGE SIGH.

i know i promised photos and artwork in 09 and as usual i am running behind schedule,
I APOLOGIZE & I HAVE NOT will happen...

something else...the sun is shining for the second day and i am getting distracted by the dust motes in the sun beams, magpie brain as MY EX (*) would say.

@AVATAR when it comes out on DVD or Blu Ray i propose a MASH UP VIDEO WATCHING GAME every time you can recognize a visual reference, like the rabid dogs from RESIDENT EVIL or the Thai cliffs from MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN take a jello shot or a thematic element from DANCING WITH WOLVES, A MAN CALLED HORSE, LITTLE BIG MAN et al. you get the idea right?

i have been assigned by an unnamed county commish to create a dispassionate crip-centric digest/listserv.yeah right me, if i don't get kicked off soon i will give you the address. i have become the DESIGNATED NERD since the real Nerd died 18 months ago, good people he.

what is it with famous white men and their penises (lets ignore the NBA & rap for a moment)
ELIOT SPITZER, JOHN EDWARDS, BILL CLINTON and what is it with America that what good deeds they have done are thus erased??? okay Clinton was/is a lifelong SEXUAL PREDATOR and SPITZER is a Creep but he was first to warn us about the ass reaming Wall Street had in store for us and John Edwards...SIGH,what can i say?

"I never vote for anyone.I always vote against." WC Fields
SIGH i wish this were not still true.

namaste y'all


  1. "The Invention of Lying". watch on Netflix -but i think it's still new. CLB

  2. Radio Caroline founder, Tom Lodge live interview

    featuring first Pirate Radio station in 60s who broke the Who, etc.

    Played bad boys music

    On Free Radio

    Tangerine Dream Team


    Tues. April 6
    101.1 fm
