Saturday, January 1, 2011


Chriss Pagani, artist, illustrator,graphic arts genius, cat lover and the Wise Sister i never had.

aloha 2u,
hold onto your hats this is going to be a bumpy ride,
i am still digesting data but this can't wait.

last nite, while waiting for midnite i was channel surfing
and ran across a one hour docu produced in 2006 called
sounds intriguing right?

Point of Information
for those of you not Big Fans of Ancient Egypt
and its many mysteries, THE OLD KINGDOM (TOK)
the Pharonic Dynasties were the massive pyramid builders
but after Pharoh Pepi 2
the country seemd to enter its own Dark Ages
where time and history stopped,tombs were defiled,
graves robbed and when Egypt rebuilt itself as The Middle Kingdom
it has changed drastically and much knowledge
from the previous era was lost or destrioyed.
thats what the docu was about, maddeningly
it only had a few of the pieces,
BTW this docu was on Planet Green a channel
i rarely watch but their programming is getting more accessible lately.

1. 6000 to 8000 years ago what we call The Sahara Desert
was fed by the Sahara River, now gone but a visible riverbed observed
via satellites, (this is mentioned by Edgar Cayce in the 40s i think,)
so for reasons unknown the Sahara River experienced a drought
so extreme and intense that the Sahara Desert today is the size of the continental USA
and expanding. in a single lifteime, about 30+ years, the veldt and temperate
fertile life sustaining regions of North Africa
became an arid all encroaching desert.

2.peeps died or voted with their feet and went east to the fertile Nile Valley .
The Old Kingdom was born, (with Atlantis tech mayhaps, see Cayce)
anyway TOK was glorious and fertile in all areas.
then it stopped.
drill core evidence and satellite imagery and potshards show one thing
DROUGHT a massive drought thru out Egypt, Akkadia (Iraq?)
ancient Greece and Palestine.
this was a Game Changer

okay here is where some knowledge of history,geology and weather comes in.
bear with me,
there are Ocean Currents which control our weather,
they make looping figure 8 closed circuits around the planet,
this in turn effects how the Jet Stram moves and deep ocean twemepratures.
if you're not reading this in an igloo that because of the climate,
Weather is day to day
whereas Climate is the long overall view.

so the Atlantic Conveyor,as it is called,
is why Europe and much of America is temperate
while the monsoons nourish India,China,Southeast Asia et al.
got all that, i understand this is a lot to digest but  
This Is Important.

3. for reason still unknown, the Atlantic Conveyor stopped..the figure 8 loop stagnated, Europe and North America experienced a mini Ice Age while the Middle East had a Game Changing Drought.

CHAOS REIGNED,peeps starved, in Egypt 80% of the smaller cities were abandoned, there are stelae
and wall heiroglyphs from Luxor that peeps resorted to eating their children...Sigh.

BTW this duplicates almost exactly why Mainstream Science thinks the glorious Mayan culture fell,
what good are canals and aqueducts if no waters flow?
still with me? TOK,Akkadia,Greece,Palestine + Massive Drought
Northern latitudes=Mini Ice Age why am i telling you all this on this wet rainy 2011 morn?
6000 years ago, 2000 years ago, the mini Ice Age of 1492
and more recent times when the Thames in London
froze solid enuff to hold Ice Fairs on during the Victorian Era,
starting to see a pattern yet?

remember the BP Oil Spill which the PR flacks are downgrading to a pimple not a calamity?

4.i am starting to see indicaors and sources that The Atlantic Conveyor
is either slowing down or stopped already.
proof? while watching a BBC docu about Bengal tigers it was mentioned that they've had no monsoons
in recent years, NO MONSOONS while 20% of Pakistan is drowned by torrential rain and flooding..
air traffic across the Northern Latitudes is halted by a marching advance of massive snow storms
(the dread Fimbulwinter of Norse mythology perhaps?). a pattern is emerging, for decades spooks and army squints have predicted the next wars will be about natural resources-WATER,CLEAN SWEET DRINKING WATER. which we are befouling every day with our industrial and hygiene usage.
dispersing the oil spill changed the specific gravity of the Gulf waters, made them heavier and congealing on the deep currents ocean floor,which has blocked the warm upwelling currents which propel the Atlantic Conveyor...HUGE DRY SIGH.

5.THE GANGES is to India as the Nile is to Egypt, over a billion peeps are dependent on it and the monsoons for life itself.the glaciers which feed the Ganges are retreating much faster than anticipated, Sherpas are recording how eons old glacier have now exposed dry land.these same glaciers feed the Yangtze and Yalu rivers in China,,same story.
in a single human lifetime Climate Change felled great empires
and that was without BP and a century of industrial exhausts
and planetary abuse.. SIGH & CRY.

paranoid websites blame HAARP in Alaska and
Norway in Weather Wars or Weather Mod for all this, methinks they think too small.
i see a pattern, an ominous pattern
that maybe, and i stress maybe, that we have already reached or even passed THE TIPPING POINT
where the shit hits the fan, the dish falls off the table and shatters or the bullet leaves the gun..

and i am fairly sure there ain't jackshit we can do about it.
Z Man mentioned AGENDA 21 (see WiKi) recently about.
a UN resolution (in 1993?) to Thin The Herd of humans
so that Mother Earth might survive, i think we are waaay beyond that now.

as i advised him on FB
in you are trapping inside a ragong forest fire

peace upon ye

1 comment:

  1. Aww, that's so sweet. *hug* :)

    I've always thought we were about due for an Ice Age - statistically true ...and more likely (and understandable) once you realize that the universe doesn't really give a crap about our petty grievances.

    Happy New Year! :)
