Wednesday, March 24, 2010


"You are NOT defeated until you STOP resisting."
PLO & Intifada maxim on LINK TV today.

24% of Republicans surveyed think that OBAMA IS THE ANTI CHRIST...sigh, how can u fight this? probably the same 24% who think W WAS THE GREATEST PRESIDENT EVER! we need more padded cells and anti psychotics in the water supply..(thanx O Wise Howard)

HALF BLACK, BIPOLAR, WITH ASPERGERS LIVING IN UTAH...sounds like the punchline of a really filthy joke but it's just my youngest son M. still okay in Mormon land.
my oldest son who had THE ADULT EQUIVALENT OF SHAKEN BABY SYNDROME and was in a coma after his auto accident about two years (?) ago is relearning our crazy world one mistake at a time, sometimes i envy him but mostly i don't.

my GI procedure has been postponed AGAIN until next week, doctors crisis again.when i had an ultrasound last monday the first thing the radiologist asked was DO YOU HAVE COLON CANCER?! NOT YET! i yelped back. HUGE HUGE that is THE BIG WORRY APPARENTLY, either colon or stomach cancer to explain the mystery internal bleeding.
we shall see...the readiologist laughed when i toled her the deark joke about THERE ARE PEOPLE IN THAT CEMETERY HEALTHIER THAN I AM...

SCREW THEM I BOUGHT SOME FLOWERS THIS MORNING ANYWAY, some lavender to help fertilize the zucchini & squash we plan to grow and some lobelia from seed for PRETTY.after all IT IS SPRING.

i am exhausted, SOUL MATE dragged me out into THE BEAUTIFUL WEATHER YESTERDAY and we played tourists without ever leaving the coastline,as usual we forgot our cameras and the cellphone is down, met many locals playing tourists too SMILES ALL is cooler and cloudy, back to cccooning...


namaste y'all
semper grumpy

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