Sunday, April 12, 2009


"Kind words and a Gun, will get you more than just kind words." attributed to both Al Capone & John Dillinger

other than that Mrs.Lincoln,how did you enjoy the play???
unkind words however will get you a heartfelt admonishment from Soul Mate about "hurtful & inapproriate content."
i am not perfect & have never claimed to be,here or anywhere takes a lot of meds,supplements and high dose aspirin to keep me functional and even then i endure Chronic Pain,muscles spasms and bouts of Severe Depression.
that is not an excuse for anything, i'm just saying...HONESTLY.

MY EX (mama ninja) is welcome to post a Comment in response which will be uncensored as long as this blog is up (the unforseeable future).

in other news, (collegespeak alert!)
this is a radical interpretation of what Julian Jaynes proposed in the mid 1970s,lets see if i can state this coherently.
scientists have lately discovered a God Lump in the human brain which lights up under PET SCANS during intense prayer,meditation and what have you. using methods similar to IMMANUEL VELISKOVSKY (Wiki this guy) Jaynes posited that human myths are fragments of genuine human history and NOT mere fantasy.he also posited that the modern concept of a triple decker formation of human personality was not always true and that original humans had but a rudimentary sense of self (located in one hemisphere,unicameral) and the so called higher regions were associated with gods or spirits (like current Native Americns?) . now,being an egghead, Jaynes thot these regions might be channels of mass hysteria or delusional but lets go beyond prejudice for a bit.lets posit the existence of ESP receptors in the uncharted regions of the human brain...and lets go out on a limb and posit that the vocies schizophrenics hear are 'real' not delsuional. suppose the voices belong to ghosts or spirits or other entities??? this might show that so called primitives are unemcumbered by modern prejudices, a PET scan of some indigenous peoples might test this out? maybe the spirits of the forest and Mother Earth do indeed exist. i'm just saying...could countless generations of shaman ALL be wrong? IMHO i think not.

check out THE HUMAN CARE ALLIANCE of the Central Coast for a list of good links.
semper grumby

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