Sunday, September 12, 2010


 "Wait, wait, they're fighting to Keep the Bush Tax Cuts for millionaires while denying healthcare to sick and dying 9-11 First Responders?! They're not even PRETENDING TO CARE ANYMORE!"gotta love her,SOUL MATE yesterday

BTW when you hear the DENIALISTS AND PAID SCI WHORES talk about ELECTROSMOG & SMART METER SAFETY remember that they are only talking about Thermal Effects, meat cooking range over 30 minutes and NOT long term expoasudr4e and DNA cell damage or the fact that EU expsoure limitsa are 1000 to 1000 times LOWER than the usa...

aloha 2u,

when i can remember it, i watch UFO HUNTERS fridays on one of the History Channels,hmmmm...
one of the trio of 'hunters' publishes UFO Magazine which i have not read in decades.
what lil they find he attempts to shoehorn into his working hypothesis that ETs and Time Travelers or Area 51 black ops are responsible for every sighting or non-sighting.

okay, it is somewhat likely that ETs are visiting here to steal our water and natural mineral wealth, did u know they can distinguish between earth-water and comet-water, fascinating..saw it about ten days ago,different molecular structures (Ice Nine anyone?)
maybe or maybe not.

now according to Quantum Physics TIME is a two way street, and going in Either Direction is indeed possible,possible yes but probable NO.using our current limited knowledge of Physics it would take the energy generated by a Black Hole to move a single pea backwards or forwards.

be patient a moment more , saw a new docu on STONEHENGE LAST NITE WHICH GENERALLY POO POO'D WHAT ALL PREVIOUS DOCUS SAID..'STONE AGE MAN WAS A DIMWIT, LUSTY BUT SAVAGE' ETC every civilization 5000 years old or more say we are in what the Hindu calls THE KALI YUGA..THE AGE OF IRON AND BLOOD, that seems fairly apparent from where i sit.
now supposed that pre-history mankind lived on the coasts,much as we do, and evidence of their higher civilization was wiped out in Ice Age ending flooding...

lets call the Golden Age ATLANTIS, you've heard of it? AZTLAN etc etc.
now after the flooding peeps would scramble to hold on to what lil knowledge remained, perhaps they'd bury it under the paws of The Sphinx when the Sahara River ran thru what is now the Sahara Desert into the Lower Nile or maybe under a still undiscovered pyramid in the Yucatan (also predicted by Edgar Cayce).

now according to NEXUS zine SANSCRIT is the perfect machine language, the ONLY human language which has conjugations and construction suitable to machine logic WITHOUT adaptation... now the RAMNAYANA & MARAHABATA (both available in paperback) talk about vimanas (flying vessels) and thunderbolts (evidence of nuclear glassifaction have been found in India ,Mongolia & Siberia from when legends say Atlantis attacked India in pre history).
so lets posit that instead of ETs or Time Travelers we have some surviving elements (angels?) of past drowned civilizations prodding us, goading us onwards to...
Kukulcan,Viracoccha,Oannes,Typhon,Neptune  most ancient cultures had a sea god who brought forth wisdom or fire,same diff? are legends merely an oral history, like the Christian Bible????

okay back to STONEHENGE and the Pyramid Code series on the DOCU Channel. what if the megaltihic builders were channeling the SUBTLE ENERGIES of the Earth (GAIA), think of this as Earth Acupuncture..mull it over. i was stunned one day to see the obvious, in a Knights Templars docu they spoke about temples,mosques and churches usually being built on the same hallowed ground which corresponded with known LEY LINES BFD, already knew that.

are Ley Lines remnants of our past Golden Age Glory? could be.
so if we posit that Pyramids were built NOT AS TOMBS but as superchargers for the Public Good/Mental Wellness then might not Stonehenge and other monoliths & cromlechs ,many of which follow Ley Lines, be likewise?
so this might eliminate the whole Slave Labor vibe, bull fighting vs. bull dancing again huh?

BTW the Yuga of the Hindus matches well with the ages of the mathcentric Mayans, 26 or 28.000 years, so 21 dec 2012..IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD, merely the end of the Age, Bronze comes next after Iron as we pull ourselves out of the muck & mire towards the Light again..hopefully.

also see
*NIKOLA TESLA superunity/free energy
*COLD FUSION denied in the us, where the inventor (Eugene Mallove) was humiliated then brutally murdered in and unsolved 'mugging'.(May 2004)...NOTE scientist here changed the 'impossible parameters' of the inventors experiment and it FAILED, using the right pararmeters had led to success in europe & japan SIGH.
*ORGONE ENERGY re discovered by WILHEM RIECH in the 1940s, the FDA burned his books then threw him in prison where he died..
*THOMAS TOWNSEND BROWN'S ANTI GRAVITY DEVICES also ignored for being Contrary to Physics...

someone once described civilization, i.e. Consensus Reality, as being an island of ignorance surrounded by an ocean of ridicule...

lets get our feet wet, shall we?

1 comment:

  1. The thoughts are too big for me...makes me dizzy. All I am caring about these days is unpacking boxes of useless crap that hold the meaning to my life.
    I think smarter beings were here eons ago and just said 'Fuck it, these piss-ants are hopeless. Let's go somewhere else'....and they did.

