Wednesday, May 6, 2009


"If you intend to die,you can do anything!" Frank Miller's RONIN

aloha again, anybody out there?
a minor correction, Dr.Marola on his webste posits that 50-100 million died of the Spanish Flu in 1918 ( @1/3 world pop) not the 40 mil i mentioned. {oddly enough my father was born in 1918...}

i watch too much TV,mostly "news" and i am addicted to the internet,so why am i NOT scared witless over this Swine Flu since i am old and infirm???
i do my homework and am time tested as being cool under pressure...
so far no SF in "Paradise" as yet (as of this ayem) but i anticipate this changing duirng the upcoming Memorial Day weekend with the influx of huge coolth seeking crowds..
in other news,
91 ADAPT protestors were arrested after chaining their wheelchairs to the White House fence. you read about it right? "Nothing about us,without us!" if i can ever get 5 to 10 bodies together i am co chair of the authorized Santa Cruz big...

am keeping this short today due to increasing tremors & spasms almost everywhere. wonder if other Chronic Pain sufferers are as lackcadaiscal about looming Death as i am?

y'all party now,it's Spring.
semper gumby

1 comment:

  1. That 1918 epidemic was a bad one, for sure. Now today, we have more things that can be done but a lot more people. So under the same circumstances, you might have more deaths but a lower mortality rate.

    But Swine flu is relatively mild. There is much scarier stuff out there like ebola, and one day we'll have to deal with it.

    I try to be careful anyway... using a lot of hand sanitizer is the best thing; most transmission is actually by contact, not air. I have congestive heart failure and no insurance so I try to be careful without being worried. That's just taking a common sense approach.

    None of us is here forever - well, not in THIS version of us anyway; fretting about things over which we have no control is just throwing away the time we have. Well, that's how I try to look at it, anyway.
