Saturday, May 9, 2009



aloha again,
just got a happy call from Z Man that his surgery went well! SIGH! :)

don't know why this topic popped up as i was luxuriating in bed all morning with Soul Mate...
u may have never heard of Wilhem Reich, he and Carl Jung were both acolytes of Siggy Fraud and his claustrophobic view of human pyschology before branching out on their on.HERBERT MARCUSE (Eros & Civilization) wrote what i feel is the definitive analysis of WR and his work.WR posited that if mankind were Happy we would all be naked nomads screwing our brains out.basically,that's it stripped of all the scientific build cities (the Mark of Cain?) and wage wars because they can't have babies. fertility must conquered or appeased,both the land and womankind. the purpose of Society is to strangle and redirect the Libido so that it can be utilized to fuel Society's needs,thru laws or advertising/consumerism.just look around you at this whole Gay Marriage/Abortion flap.

we send people into space,have telescopes that see the far reaches of time in the universe yet the US divorce rate is still 50%.we need classes in Loving,not just the mechanics but the emotional/psychological compnents too. WR posited that if mankind truly followed the Orgasmic path that Society would crumble. for this sage advice the US Govt burned his books & threw him in prison.just like Siggy Fraud WR was a meteor heading towards Earth, he would not deviate from his position or try to lessen his impact there is more about ORGONE BOXES,ORGONE RADIATION, DEADLY ORGONE RADIATION & weather control,Google all this if your interest is piqued...

i reminded Soul Mate that i half fell in love with over the phone,our first five hour conversation, and when i saw her in person the next day i thot "THANK U JESUS!" (odd thots 4 a Buddhist). i told SM that she was The ONE and i knew immediately.she called me ARROGANT for thinking i could know so quickly ( 17+ years ago now). now i used to be a very smart guy and have had my share of emotional scarring so i thank My EX (*) and all past GFs for educating me but how are less brainy people supposed to find TRUE LOVE??? water seeks its own level and all that but as the BUSH CRIME FAMILY sez "mistakes were made".heartbreaking and sometimes lethal mistakes. we are naive when it comes to matters of the heart,often dangerously so.

hmm seems i have derailed my train of thot somehwere in this screed.anyway,ENJOY SPRING & SAVOR LOVE. now go frolic or whatever.

semper gumby

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