Sunday, April 18, 2010


"If you can't say anything good about someone,sit right here by me." ALICE ROOSEVELT LONGWORTH, they said terribile things about FDR too...

apparently one cannot be NEUTRAL about the movie KICK ASS.CNN/HLN was trying to gin up controversy over HIT GIRL and her tween profanity while teasing about NEO NAZI VIOLENCE IN L.A. yesterday. hypocrisy much?
unlike most of these dweebs i have seen the movie and i have seen real violence and been in real fights, i am not some squishy couch potato pacifist. i thot of getting a small PEACE SYMBOL tattoo on my forearm once and SOUL MATE commented that i was the least peaceful man she knew, a comment echoed by an ex wife of the fx series JUSTIFIED,which i love!

one of the feminist pundits declared that Hit Girl is OUT OF THE FEMALE BOX, which means she is NOT DECORATIVE like Vanna White (now 53) or Megan Fox or anybody else whose screen time is directly proportional to her cup size (exc. Jennifer Connelly and a few others with real talent). blax, gimps,gays and women have a common interest in TRUE EQUALITY and it breaks my heart to see a BBC series on beauty contests for female crips, we should demand more than that sigh.... AN INNER BEAUTY CONTEST?

HIT GIRL IS MOVIE VIOLENCE whereas the much touted tv friendly TEA BAG MOVEMENT (oooh, that sounds SO dirty) is threatening much greater ACTUAL VIOLENCE using much the same obscenities as the tiny where in the movie are congressmen threatened,spit on, call fag and niggah while the cops stands around debating their FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS...huge sigh. i am 62 years old and have seen and eaten a load of sh*t in my life but this modern world is offal (pun).

and another thing, NYT polls show these TEA BAG PARTYERS to be better educated and more well off then most os america, so what have they got to be mad about? they claim O BOMBER is doing "too much for poor people" . OMFG, really? since when? the BANK BAILOUTS, the castration of all CONSUMER PROTECTION LEGISLATION? PANDERING TO GOP SCUMBAGS? financing NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS? givng a HUGE gift of mandatory HEALTH INSURANCE to the corporations? fighting two very expensive and unwinnable wars?
fascist/socialist/communist yeah right?

BTW most POOR PEOPLE IN THE US ARE far.and yes i know its a CODE WORD for breeding like bunnys brown people.

'WE WANT OUR COUNTRY BACK!" wtf does that really mean? THE ELITES have owned and run this country since Day One. you cannot decry WALL STREET bailouts while demanding the status quo, IT IS CRAZY & ILLOGICAL....MAIN STREET is Vanna White to Wall Street's Pat Sejak- except Sejak does not make the rules, determine the prizes or rig the WHEEL OF FORTUNE.(nice segue eh?)

JOBS HAVE NOT COME BACK AND THERE ARE 10,000 LOOMING FORECLOSURES IN SANTA CRUZ ALONE, i think 6 million nationwide and O BOMBER'S PLEAS for "voluntary bank negotiations" have fallen on deaf ears, cnn had some appalling graphic earlier this week which i forgot to write down.
i gotta go see GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO.'bye

namaste y'all

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