Friday, August 14, 2009


"You get jam yesterday and jam tomorrow but NO JAM TODAY!" Red Queen ALICE IN WONDERLAND

aloha again,
by now you know i have a Big Mouth. in person i am much the same, so much so that yesterday at an unnamed county meeting, about the KALIpornia cash crunch fx on us crips and the frail elderly and kids, the chair gave me a list of words to AVOID per the KALIpornia EDD (Employment Development Department). my reaction? "Cool, i'll put them in my next blog." look for the words in CAPs okay?

a CRIP'S story

john was a typical RETARD; AFFLICTED with a SPASTIC colon,STRICKEN with a DEFECTIVE brain, MAIMED by a serious auto accident and a VICTIM of lousy doctoring. his main squeeze joan, was an UNFORTUNATE semi DEFORMED GIMP INVALID often CONFINED TO A WHEELCHAIR while not dancing naked at the Itchy Kitty in Reseda.
john was often seen as LAME CRIPPLE when trying to stuff dollar bills into bouncy hip shaking G Strings but joan liked his funny CEREBRAL PALSIED ass anyway.john was both EPILEPTIC and ARTHRITIC and was often viewed as CRAZY,INSANE or PSYCHO when he asked cabbies to drive him to the Itchy Kitty.he looked like a POOR DEAF AND DUMB old CRIP with his soiled baggy clothes,big head,wobbly erection and SPASTIC WITHERED limbs...

you get the idea.
you're supposed to use the PC verbiage of PWD-Person With a Disability.bullcrap, we are reclaiming CRIP et al like the gays reclaimed

in other news, the Lockheed Fire ( now 4100 acres per the radio news) is burning the remoted hilly area north of here,near Davenport and the local nude beaches. unlike last years fires no ash is currntly falling on me or my unit, no not That Unit you dirty minders.
SOUL MATE is in Seaside today so i am painting my plain tee shirts 3/$10 at Longs, with nasty or enigmatic slogans and pictures.SM once made the mistake of buying me a black tee saying I DON'T GIVE A F*CK WHAT YOU THINK now lives in fear of where i may decide to display it...he he he.
aloha all you SLITHY TOVES.

Mahayana namaste
semper g strings

1 comment:

  1. I have a tee in my collection that says DIE YUPPIE SCUM - does that count?

    My thinking about economics is that we're kind of seeing the beginning of the end for currency and labor based systems. I don't know what comes next, but I can tell you why I believe that what I'm saying is true.

    It's pretty simple when you think about it: The population is booming; over 300,000,000 for the USA, 7 billion soon for the planet. Yet currency-compensated labor jobs decline every year due a switch to electronic and virtual exchange scenarios and the replacement of labor forces by computers and industrial machinery.

    So every year you have more people but fewer jobs for them to do. Wealth, as generated by a currency-based system, increasingly pools with the ownership class while everyone else gets left out.

    It seems therefore that collapse would be inevitable, don't you think?
