Thursday, August 13, 2009


"I personally believe we developed language because of our deep need to complain." Jane Wagner (Lily Tomlin's writing partner)

aloha again, this loooks to be another twisty maze of a blog but i will try to keep it we go...

Soul Mate went to see US Rep.Sam Farr (Dim- Carmel et al) a couple of nites ago, the night before he was shouted down in Monterey (more conseratives than S Cruz) here he had the usual NIMBY loudmouths plus some halfwit who played the ukelele everytime she disagreed with someone's opinion (of course our daily fishwrap had her in full color on the front page the nest day) SIGH.

i initially was set to write my usual kneee jerk Progressive screed but Soul Mate & Randi Rhodes radio has convinced me otherwise. (
1. for every 1000 hours of right wing radio there is one hour of progressive radio in the USA...
2.the BUSH TAX CUTS to the Uber Rich totalled $1.7 TRILLION while the Universal Health Care (ObamaCare) which is TOO EXPENSIVE (sic) totals about $1.7 TRILLION.did i miss the uproar and outrage of the former???
3. we live in the Second nicest ROP (Resident Owned Park) mobile home park in must be at least 55 to own here and the age range is from about 55 to the YOUNG OLD me and Soul Mate deal with people daily who are old enough to be our parents or grandparents.they are not generally bad people...BUT they listen to Fox News and religious TV like it's response to an innocent question about Obama Soul Mate got the knee jerk response HE'S A SOCIALIST!
4.Lyndon LaRouche and his disciples were giving out free pamphlets which have a picture of a smiling Hitler photoshopped next to a smiling Obama, the contents of this rag are about what one would expect...
5.Rhandi Rhodes has pointed out how IRRATIONAL most of the arguments are at these town halls and that FEAR ITSELF is the key. sorry but i,for one, did not see my world change after a student of history i could imagine this as equal to the panic and hysteria after Pearl Harbor.

let's face it, the AMERICAN DREAM has been outsourced and the American Public fed on a steady diet of racism,xenophobia and jingoism for the last eight years.whatever most white people believed about America now lies in bitter ashes around their feet while 'terrorists' like Death Panel Sarah Palin,Rush,Glen Beck ,HANNITY, BILL O' & Micheal (Weiner) Savage whip up deepseated anxiety and outrage.WHITE MEN ARE AN ENDANGERED SPECIES!???
Obama is a Kenyan socialist, oh really? Obama is a euthansia fascist? Obama is a Hitler clone looking to kill 'useless eaters' like your granny and disabled kids? c'mon all this BS can't be true at once. but that's where the irrational fearmongering and the Big Lie of Josef Goebbels comes in. niggerss and kikes are running the White House and some spic is now on the Supreme it any wonder that the nutjob survivalist militias are on the rebound?

America is still a profoundly racist country, not Everyone but still enough to matter.the Anti Prop 8 gays want to wait until 2o12 so more non homophobic High School age students will then be able to that our only hope? to wait for the "Greatest Generation" to die off so that we can get Universal Healthcare and full Civil Rights for all? say it ain't so...PLEASE!

i am bumming my self out now so i will stop.

in other news, go to Rhandi Rhodes website to get more info on HMO's profits and their CEO salaries, it will blow your mind & piss you off!

Mahayana namaste y'all
semper grouchy

1 comment:

  1. Well, I'd say that professional fearmongering got a big boost with 9/11 and has experienced a real revival not seen since the Red scare or the birth of the civil rights movement. But it also tends to get kind of old after a while. I guess some of us are hoping that it will wear thin enough that eventually reason will prevail. There are no guarantees of this, however.
