Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Activist Post: Amerika’s Future is Death

Activist Post: Amerika’s Future is Death



  1. Yes, but will we be around to see it? You and me, I mean. The world ends for us when we die, and the best part of having everything go to shit is is that this starts to look like a good thing.

    Unless you believe in reincarnation, in which case, we might have to deal with it.

    Did you see the pics from my son's wedding? He's in his 30s you know, I was beginning to think it was never going to happen. I'm lucky to now have a daughter in law who is fantastic and a BFF, too, so there's that.

    1. i do indeed believe in reincarnation so...

      missed your sons' weeding pix,pleas re-send as i am curious. having two sons i know exactly what you mean...

      so for delay but i am so far behind in Everything as of now, hope to catch up during the lull of the Silly Season.
