Monday, July 30, 2012

opps CHF

"CLOSE only counts in horseshoes,hand grenades and
 thermonuclear weapons." Korak the Killer (sic)

you might have noticed my less than frequent output of late
last week i could a probable cause
blocked it out at first
when your doctor tells you "don't worry"
then WORRY.
did the research and barring results from further tests
its what i have.
hereditary genetic defect apparently
so it goes. so 2012
is a crucial year for me,
one way or another.
a future of pain,extreme fatigue,
poor sleep and a possible
pacemaker someday.
don't think i'll go the heart transplant route
i've had a full Life.
give it to some kid.
i had planned to bitch about politics
but spent an hour looking for Batman
 toys and i'm exhausted,no luck there,
so fuck it.
hope y'all are having better days...

aloha2u today

1 comment:

  1. Me too, as you know. We talked about this on Facebook.

    I think that people who have to have heart transplants usually have CHF from something more dire, like a viral infection that destroys the heart muscle.

    I'll just mention that my mom was diagnosed with CHF and lived another 30 years with it, and it wasn't even what killed her. And it's been 16 years since I was diagnosed with CHF. An old friend of mine, Jane Flores, died last year, related to CHF. However, I was with her when she got that diagnosis and that was over 20 years ago. So there's that.

    Honestly, brother, I don't think either one of us have another 20 years in us, but that's just the way of the world. You can still have a good life for many years to come. Hopefully I will, too. You do need to take those meds and try to avoid doing things that will make it worse. It's always something.
