Thursday, July 19, 2012

INTO THE BLEED .....spirits

"Religion is the opiate of the Masses."  Karl Marx

even before i start typing this i can hear my BFF G Man
clucking his tongue and shaking his head at my apparent foolishness
as regards PSI and the ESParanormal,
here it goes anyway...

i have written that when i was 8 or 9
i saw an hallucination of Jesus Christ before my one sunny afternoon,
like the images in my  Mother's Baptist church nearby he was an
uber Aryan blond with blue eyes and fair skin,
being a skeptical SOB even back then i turned away....
i went on to become a student of comparative folklore/religions
until i found one that fit me.

now the Baptist church or more precisely the black
version of Baptists may be unique in one regard,
the feature they called "being possessed by the Holy Spirit"
those of you familiar with Santeria or Voodoo will see where i am going with this...
it was a frequent event and not at all uncommon for some
older obese woman to be possessed and "fall out"
wioth specially trained ushers standing by to see that she
didn't hurt herself before coming to her senses again,
a type of "fainting couch" was reserved for this purpose in the basement.
no biggie right? so imagine my surprise to see my hard headed
hard boiled Mother fall out one Sunday and be clumsily transported
 to the nether regions...WOW.

she,i knew, would be mortified at the attention,
not to mention her girdle being seen by all and sundry.
so i knew this now to be 100% valid and her sielnce after she regained her senses
just added to the mystery which even her marathon
phone calls to her sister did nothing to dissipate.
in Voodoo the "loas" (plural. spirits,nature spirits)
"ride" (possess) the believer often to convey a message
or just to show their presence.
i often wondered how a Jew could look like a Nazi and
 why black people would regard him as Savior...
i would discover Jungian (sic) Archetypes much much later.

so one could say my psychic pump was primed for
the Life i would lead and my eternal fascination with The Occult;
not to mention how Charles Fort,HP Lovecraft,Arthur Machen
 and the outre Marvel comic book artist Jack Kirby
threaded their way deep into my consciousness...
even today and with decades of synchronicity and
odd events and coincidences behind me....
unlike The X Files and the I WANT TO BELIEVE poster
that hangs nearby,i am SO there still...

maybe some politics next time,we shall see...


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