Sunday, April 3, 2011

THE BLEED a backstory

"The real threat to our future is apathy."  Jane Goodall, is this why she chose to live with chimps?

more on something i posted a few days back,
some commentary from The Bleed  if you will.

IMHO....the REAL "OBAMACARE" was the approx.$12.6 trillion sluiced to WallStreet
via TARP and the Fed Reserve, the abject failure of HAMP the parsimonious miserly mortgage modification "trickle down theory" in action,inaction?
and the REAL "DEATH PANELS" are letting Big Pharma and the Private Insurance moguls determine whether we all live or die.NO Medicare for All allowed.....(sigh & cry angry disabled bitter tears.)

on to lighter fare...
a few days ago, don't ask how many as i've been busy on Facebook
setting up ADAPT Santa Cruz +
go visit sometimes and see "Genius At Work "( i wish).

so anyhoo, i posted something from a site i had dismissed as fluff only last year...

lets go thru them in order shall we?

10.ACAMBARO Figures
okay these i knew heard of however i do recall Pagani chiding me about being gullible in relation to a similar find of stone carvings coated with an equally impermible unknown ceramic coating.this brought up another memory of BRONZE AGE weapons,some harder than steel, which had somehow NOT tarnished after thousands of years.a feat current science cannot yet duplicate like the colored cottons of the Mesoamerica..

these i have known about for decades but some reason thot they were crafted of aluminum,maYBE SOMETHING ELSE ENTIRELY? thot the UFO element a trifle odd but you know how loose i am within the bounds of Consensus Reality.the bit about Intermarriage with the Loclas recalls tales of Genesis and the Human DNA perhaps the Type O for Galactic Interbreeding? recall many Abductees have mentioned human-alien Hybrids, like the X Files?

okay this was sorta new to me, lemme explain. Japanese Kabuki masks some of the demons are represented as angry eyebrow less horned humans.
2.Satan,Baal, and Baptomet and other horned dieties incl. THE HORNED ONE of Paganism
3."cuckholds horns" of Euro traditons etc
4.see Giants of North America  below

have never heard it called that but read about it in NEXUS magazine a few years back and followed the links back to the original PRAVDA reports which are concisely summarized here.fascinating preHistory stuff.
have no idea but a theory or two which do not involve UFO landing gear...see Bronze Age comments.UFO shells are apparently high in magnesium and use a possibly transparent metal/glass called ORICHALCUM-Orichalc in Atlantis per several divers reports/seances.

have heard of this but always thot it a Mormon legend or some such,no theories on this one.
first read about this in CHARLES FORT (see Wiki) books back in the 50s, this one is old controversy here except the ice free pre Ice Age Antartica coastline puzzle.

this another item Pagani gave me some very mild flak about...
and so ran into several talking tales not written in books plus did decades of independent research into my Cherokee/Seminole (paternal) and Apache (maternal) roots.when asked about the MOUNDBUILDERS
of Middle America the indigenous peeps said they were built by angry pasty skinned red haired cannibals who were also of giant proportions,(see PATAGONIA in Beachcombers blogs,remind me to link it) which seems verified by the giant skeletons now found in Nevada museums,not on display...IMHO-MAINSTREAM SCIENCE HAS BECOME A DOGMA AND ANY ANOMALIES ARE REGARDED AS HERESIES TO BE SQUELCHED AND HIDDEN AWAY FROM PUBLIC VIEW AND INSPECTION.

saw this featured on HOLY GRAIL IN AMERICA run frequently on the History Channel.proably real and NOT a hoax, maybe the Giants killed them (shrug).
this one is it Jesus called Christ, i dunno.many had that name and title in that era and most were executed by the Romans.can i expalin this..not at this time, any theories? none ripe enuff to divulge.( see Shroud of Sudarium in Oniedo,Spain AR #83 by Phil Coppens)

amuse yourselves for a moment whilst
i look for something related to all this...
found it. reports in ATLANTIS RISING magazine  ( also AR #83)  about the Laetoli footprints found in sediments dating back 3 million years,  now Mainstream Sceince would have you accept that collective humanity-Homo Sap,Devonians,Neanderthals and those Hobbits of Indonesia, sat round chewing their cuds and scracthing fleas for millions of years and that only within the last 10,000 years we have become the technocratic Crown of Creation....which is obviously bullshit.
is our concept of God so flawed that we are The Best that it can do?
one hopes not   (long exasperated sigh).

some Pre Inca civilizations are dated at 17,00 years old and they are built atop still older ruins. The war torn glassified nuked? Harappa cites of the Indus valley tell of cycles of rise and decline in 26,000 year cycles (the Yugas, we are in the Kali Yuga, the Age of Iron & Blood which best describes our dis-ease, the Mayans agreed with this time frame,not sure about the Sumerians nor Etruscans yet) which match the precession of Sol around the Galactic Rim, we are at one such Nexus about now.....21 dec 2012 actually but we've been on the cusp since about 2000 CE...

feeling adventurous?
look up THE CRYSTAL SKULLS on Wiki or whatever and tell me what you think?
SWANSCOMBE MAN, actually a woman, is 200,000 to 300,000 years old and found in England.Neanderthals are claimed to have shown NO advancement in tool design or manufacture in 10,000 years yet Homo Sap invades with new and improved genotype and hunting skills from out of...nowhere?Africa? Eden? this dogmatic glue doesn't hold up to scrutiny..IMHO.

some on the Fringe,further out than i, posit that Homo Sap has been around maybe 100 Plus million years..lets digest that a sec, long enuff to meet a few straggler  dinosaurs who DID NOT ALL DIE OUT 65Million years ago, it was more a gradual decline despite the Deccan Flats (Indus Valley again) eruptions which was yet another Great Extinction...
there was something else.hold on a sec
was researching this an other items at random and came across the fact that MATRIARCHAL SOCIETIES are easily diagnosed by THE LACK OF FORTIFIED WALLS and when men replace wimmin as rulers testoserone poisoning produce thick battlements and warfare, this is seen in SEMANTICS ( i got an "A")
where the charioteers from the steppes spread PIE (Proto Indo European) along with bloodshed and woes.

BTW saw something which said SANTA CLAUS IS ACTUALLY THE NORSE FATHER GOD WOTAN,ODINN,ZEUS, ZEUS-PATER= JUPITER etc etc etc.fascinating if true, didja know the FROST GIANTS of Norse mythos were huge usually red haired and ate humans,check it out. a fun,tho bloodthirsty religion.also i regard FUMBULWINTER as Climate Change and a skalds race memory of the last Ice Age.just give it some thot okay? also the Gods of yore interbred with humans and LOKI was half giant,Zeus fuckt anything that moved,Bacchus/Dionysus etc etc Athena.
blue bloods of royalty, was the oxygen poor blood actually blue ( like Spock's copper rich was green?)?just a thot...

there's probably lots more but i grow weary,
ran outta anti-depressants saturday-SIGH shudder,
and its sunny and warmer outside, not the splendid dry
85 to 90s of weds-thurs but a decent 70 or so promised.
SOUL MATE is watching newsy propaganda in the back room
and latere we will quibble over who has how much of
The Truth in the Sunday fishwraps we subscribe to,two.

enjoy Life

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