Wednesday, April 27, 2011


my mind
i feel like
my mind is
a slowly guttering bonfire deep
with the battlemts of ahuge
old ruined castle,
the moon shines where
the roof once ruled.

i am
unsteady on fat bloated
feet, my hands are become paws,
sluggish and unresponsive.
i cannot trust
my body.
on anything.
i type
i type gibberish with these
fat sausage fingers
who dance to their own
Mad King  melody.
i awake to a buffet of Pain
what will work today?
what will fail?
head,hands,feet, knees????

i fall
harbinger of future FAILS.
i sigh and i cry
myself to sleep
to sleep, in dreams
i am Free, in dreams i do not fall
in dreams i am stable and agile
in dreams
my mind sails
i am become THE BLEED
 i can go anyqwhere
i am Life
i am Creator to multiverses beyond
i am like a God
in dreams
i dreams i dream of
on vast vistas and cities of glass and stone
of oceans puire
and skies untrammled.
in dreams
i am free of this gross flesh
in dreams i create what words and fingers cannot.
in dreams i am the chariot
and the horse
and the world surround.
in dreams
there are no endless typos
no sudden crashes
failures of flesh and sinew
me brought to earth
by gravity
by dis-ease
by health
by aging
the ailing alien without
in dreams sometimes
i walk with a cane
with two good eyes and a body-chariot
which does not stumble nor crumble
in dreams i am

*APR 27 2011* 6 am
"Those who welcome death have only tried it from the ears up." Wilson Miener (who he?)

Peace Now

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