Friday, November 20, 2009


"Is giving Thanks (Thanksgiving) like giving up?" -Ho Chi Zen

no horror stories today.I LIE, more of the same SIGH. i type this i am printing out a WAIVER ON MEDI-CAL (Medicaid to everyone else) in which our Gov.Anus Schwartzenpooter is hoping to get the Feds to allow him to further destroy aid to sick and elderly people.(see recent Marty Omoto alerts).
new candidates for KALIpornia Sh*thole Czar ( Gov) include the usual GROSS OPRESSIVE PLUTOCRATS -Campbell,Whitman,Fiorina who promise to gut state government even more (then drown it in the bathtub a la Grover Norquist) & SAVE BILLIONS (sic sick) which even our current Gov says is Impossible.
Jerry Brown, the Dims heir apparent, has a heart the size of a caraway seed (thanks Fred Allen,old time radio cynic) and i lived in Oaktown when he was mismanaging it as Mayor in his current political resurrection. WHAT CAN BROWN DO FOR YOU? is the current UPS slogan, this is not Jerry Brown's slogan..
lemme find the quote...

"Nothing in life is so rigid that there aren't developments.That's true in politics.That's true in theology.That's true in personal relations.And for those small minds that slavishly adhere to foolish consitency, their irrelevance is their best reward." cold hard brittle Vulcan logic,AMBITIOUS VULCAN LOGIC. DAN WALTERS of the Sacramento Bee column supplied the quote, but as usual the cynicism expressed here is my own.
did i mention that Jerry Brown flip flopped on Prop 13,like Kerry he voted against it before he was for it.did i mention that any good economist (non Friedmanite) will tell you that Prop 13 gutted state coffers under the guise of SAVING GRANDMA (sound familiar?) state commercial real estate created a loophole large enough to drive hundreds of highrises thru DEEP DEEP SIGH.
2. but that is not what i wanted to talk about friend G MAN lost his job recently.he will be on the street come Christmas, UnHappy New Year? he will get unrmployment then has to move yada yada yada. now G Man is a good friend and a decent enough human being ( which he might protest at length) and while atypical of the populace at large he is facing a dark bleak 2010 ...WHILE THOSE BASTARDS ON WALL STREET USE BILLIONS IN TAXPAYER BAILOUT DOLLARS TO COLLECT MILLIONS IN BONUSES!!!
the current line among the Capt.Compromise Team is that WALL STREET has to be healthy before MAIN STREET gets its non existent good paying jobs back SOME DAY,meanwhile we will throw you a few crumbs of unemployment extensions so you can rent a sleazy motel room once your house is foreclosed on , tell the kiddies to mind the mouthy avaricious whores & used syringes (BBC News).

'speaking of the BBC News and the Compromise trip to China...
A.Capitalism does NOT EQUAL Democracy and all this bafflegab from the MSM pseudo pundits about Red China going Democratic eventually will NOT make it so.
B.Red China is financing our debt & our wars, to the tune of at least $800 BILLION, they got us by the balls now our hearts & minds must follow (thanx LBJ). we have been described as the profligate child visiting its nervous banker.
C. we are an empire in decline,much like ancient Rome and the GREEN FUTURE belongs to China and its Rare Earth minerals cache. they have a 90% share of the raw materials and the Japanese have the technology and we have....a great future BEHIND us?

D.. GEORGE W.BUSH has done us all a really.he has flushed the AMERICAN DREAM from our psyches and down the sewers of history and Americans must now face the cold bleak reality of how badly they have been lied to by CRONYISM CASINO CAPITALISM...

E. my friend G Man is smart & funny, can build a PC from scratch and may even become a realtor (?) so,like a cat, he will always land on his feet unlike those whose jobs now reside in Viet Nam,Singapore and rural China. you cannot retrain for a future that no longer exists....

is all this depressing enuff for today?
BTW tomorrow i turn 62 and plan to celebrate with SM,chocolate cake and Glenfeddich scotch...LET IT RAIN!

namaste y'all
semper gloomy


  1. You've been so quiet lately. I hope everything is okay.

  2. Worried.... it's the one thing I'm good at. You should say SOMETHING.


    While we're all waiting for your words of wisdom and humor, I hope you don't mind if I recommend:

  3. Happy New Year! :)

    Hope you will be back soon!
