Saturday, October 10, 2009


"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our
freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." - Abraham Lincoln


was watching C SPAN a few minutes ago, due to Soul Mate's urging, and heard something that ticked me off.
the query was about the influence of CRIMINAL MONIES on the US BANKING SYSTEM.this was to a panel of pundits, including the beloved & wise NAOMI KLEIN, other than NK the query was glossed over or ignored. by now you know i am of the conspiracy theory ilk and i subscirbe & devour NEXUS magazine which has been hacked by HOMELAND SECURITY, i don't have to ask why.
anyway NEXUS has been focused like a laser on intenational currnecy and banking of late... where do we think the BILLIONS the cartels make every year goes to???
Nexus posits a lot of it went to propping up US Banking in New York,Florida and the Southwest as well as riding the real estate boom/bubble before Wall Street people screwed that up too.

now i am from NYC where the Mafia has been infiltrating businesses & unions since the 50s so are we to think that the people behind importing tons of heroin and coke and pot aren't any wiser? is our national bird now the Ostrich? i note that none of Capt.Compromise's new regs deal with criminal money, why not? is the so called DRUG WAR over? if so, the Bad Guys won.when Portugal and Scandanavia decrimnialized drugs there was howls of protest internationally but guess what happened? NOTHING. addicts were guarantteed pure meds at reasonable prices, overall crime went down yada yada. so if you are REALLY dealing with Domestic Terrorism would not drug cartels be higher on your list than a bunch of resentful scruffy malcontent Arabs looking for fame & jihad boots? JUST ASKIN'...

in other news,
the NY Times reports that XMRV retrovirus has been found in over 67% of people with Chronic Fatigue symptoms, which probably included me & Soul Mate and a lot of our peers with Lyme. the smoking gun at last? we shall see,eventually.

G Man, thanx for writing. i love u 2.
Pagani, promise to check out that link.

namaste y'all
semper gonzo

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