Friday, November 30, 2012

DC lemmings

i find it sadly laughable that the death of Twinkies
got more press than the deaths in Gaza.

BTW my GOP stalwarts Those Who Know
and Not Just Me both blame O Bomber
and the 47% of us moochers on "entitlements"
(which we paid for) for the atificial
Fiscal Cliff...
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over 
and expecting different results.'
attributed to Einstein among others.

we seniors life in eternal tumult that
the powers that be,
whether fedgov or staatgov,
will kick us to the curb as they throw us under the bus.

i am on Social Security Disability
plus Medicare and Medicaid
all of which are apparently
"on the table" as O Bomber
does the shell game galore
with Trillions in the fedgov deficit.

like Romney my GOP buds
decry any increased taxes on the "Job Creators",
where have they been the last 12 years?,
or any defense in our War Department
the renamed DoD.
"defense spending" has doubled since 9-11
and so has waste fraud and abuse....
the American Empire spends more
on the military than the next 20 countries

speaking of Empires
think it was on CSPAN where some author
has done some computer research which says
that modern empires have a viable lifespan of 250 years
tick tick tick
Time is up?

BTW2 last sunday the SF Chron did a
fabulous piece on drones
coming to amerikkka
and how they now come in a variety of sizes
and prices for any budget.
will no doubt have more to say about this later
...please stay tuned.

last week it was 70s and 80s
all week and we were our reveling in it
this week is 50s and very rainy
so i will be posting more links and assorted screeds.

aloha2u today

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