Thursday, October 4, 2012

47 or 99 percent?

"Hard head makes a sore ass!" Mother's maxim

my Mother was born in 1925
into what became a family of six on a hardscrabble
truck farm  just east of the Austin city limits in '
'niggertown", literally where the sidewalk ends....
she got her first pair of shoes when she went to school
and the family was so poor The Great Depression went
almost unnoticed.
her baby brother wore hand-me-down dresses until
they could patch and trade for school clothes.
to make ends meet her father Big John was a blacksmith
and breeder of greyhound racing dogs.
the cold blood of Apaches ran in her mother's veins
 and harsh nature.

Mother dropped out of beauty school after high school,
never found out why,then moved to frisco and met my dad
at some Filmore juke joint before he shipped off to WWII.
she then moved to NYC where her baby sis had gotten
knocked up by a heavy handed West Indian,
she bore him a boy and girl before fleeing back to TEXass.
Mother chose to stay in NYC where my dad found her
in 1946 and they had me a year later.

Mother refused repeated pleas by me to complete
her beauty school education and instead did black hair
 in our kitchen when not working as a domestic and
 cleaning up rich white people's mess
or doing scutwork at downtown white beauty salons.
she was often asked to get her license and
 work salons in Harlem nearby but she never did....
after my dad died she fucked a lot of unworthy
and often dangerous dad's VA benefits kept us afloat,
that and living in the fedgov sponsored Projects....
it was not an easy life.

i did about a year of community collge in the 60s
and got bored and quit to ramble about and
while Mother badgered me to finish school
and/or start a family. i did neither
as my mother married an ex-con scumbag and bore him
an equally worthless son...then in the 70s she started
volunteering as an aide in a local ghetto school and
 next thing i know she is back in college full-time and
got a teaching credential which was still brand new
when she died of spinal cancer in 1986.

she was working when i graduated from SF State so i didn't go
as it meant nothing to me and so much to her.

we ARE america too!

O Bomber?
i'm voting GREEN Party


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