Friday, June 24, 2011


Arthur Rimbaud, author & degenerate

aloha2u today,
while CNN makes a fetish of Lindsay Lohan's various addictions
and the trial of pretty child killer (alleged) Casey Anthony
DEMOCRACY NOW chose to focus instead on
radioactive tritium in our drinking water,
which according to AP and the GAO is leaking from the undergound
pipes of ALL our nuke power plants...(long radiated sigh.)
as usual our dysfunctional Congress and the so called
"Nuclear Regulatory Commission" (sic) have done lil or nothing
to save the american peeps and their personal health and safety.
please recall this is the same NRC which reassured us that
Fukushima can't happen here,that no radioactive "hot particles"
were airborne in the Jet Stream and that tainted milk was safe to drink....

BTW AL GORE is scolding O BOMBER for his token efforts
on Climate Change and his so called "green jobs agenda",
which lost the undefended VAN JONES to Faux News smears
(long weary green sigh)

Demo Now has a long piece on Orlando's Florida's
Food Not Bombs
feeding the homeless and jobless
in direct opposition to the local ban
making it ILLEGAL
to feed more than 25 peeps in a city park....
Really? here during the Lesser Depression
they are making it illegal to feed the poor.

in an e-mail to O WISE HOWARD
i described how in 'liberal" frisco
i witnessed SFPD cops taking a depraved glee
in overturning huge pots of soup or stew
into the gutters while trampling on day old bread,
all on order of City Hall which was across
the street from these events.

the cops excuse was that Food Not Bombs-frisco
did not have a Permit from the Health Dept
and the Health Dept was instructed
NOT to give FNB said permit.
meanwhile peeps went hungry or stood
in block long lines at St.Anthony's & Glide's soup kitchens.
i have stood in line at St.Anthony's in my distant minimum
wage youth,i have lived on $1 a day food budgets
while working a full time underpaid job while
my boss drove his fancy new Mercedes back and forth
to Marin County.
THIS SUCKS a so called Christian country
loaves & fishes anyone?

i'm just saying...
Peace Now? O BOMBER??

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