Tuesday, September 22, 2009


"Love doesn't make the world go round.Love is what makes the ride worthwhile."
Franklin P.Jones

aloha again,
i know i promised you the low down on SWINE FLU SOON, this week i promise. made the mistake of cleaning up my MAN CAVE (sic) and misplaced everything. spent the morning going thru my mass of papers of 1200 unfiled e mails. meanwhile i have to decipher the NERDESE in which the instructions of our new cellphone is written, promised that too.SIGH.
i never intended this blog to be educational reportage, just some opinions & snark but you can't talk about healthcare nowadays without insight and reflection, or in my case doing your homework.

ah, FOUND IT and some other stuff related to it too. will take me a few days to collate and digest it.SM suggests that the SWINE FLU Panic may be similar/identical to the whole Y2K Panic....for those of you with intact long term memories.

apparently threw my PELVIS out on the hostel foam bed BOOO!, & yes Pagani we have paid more for regular hotels and less at remoter hostels ( like Pt.Reyes, Mantara Lighthouse,Sacramento etc). SOUL MATE sent out my last blog (which i considered mediocre at best) and got a lot of POSITIVE RESPONSE from others i consider outside my demographic, you know who you are.SMILE.

BTW i have been informed that children, pregnant women and first responders get priority on the H1N1 vaccine, at least here in "Paradise"...this may not be a very good idea,as u will see.yes, there will be references.

i liked the talking book CHARLEY'S WEB by JOY FIELDING, about a smart mouth opinionated columnist who gets into trouble interviewing a cute blonde child killing sociopath.altho i am neither blonde nor pretty i could relate...A GOOD READ (sic).

in other news,
SM is thinking about getting a tattoo.
MY EX (*) and her Main Squeeze have oodles and i have three, two large and one small dragon on my ankle (got it with MY EX (*) and Penny on whim).

BTW i am now on FACEBOOK due to several friends & relations.IMHO seems rather inane so far but i don't check it that often.
well i've wasted enough of your time today,back to that darned cellphone manual.

semper gimpy

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