
Sunday, June 12, 2011


"I prefer the wicked to the foolish.The wicked sometimes rest."  
Alexandre Dumas,pere

from some ad copy i clipped out....

aloha2u today,
i know what i want to say but can i say it without screaming?


SALT with Angelina Jolie is a good fast paced action thriller,i enjoyed it.
it opens with a piece about Lee Harvey Oswald and his doppleganer
"Alex" who was a Soviet KGB Mole.this is Fact to anyone
who has eyes to SEE and not just Look (that is from the Bible).

last nite i found myself screaming at the TV again,
another 2 hour "documentary" (disinformation)
on the Kennedy Assassination (JFK not RFK)
despite multiple fedgov investigations more or less proving
the conspiracy to kill JFK,that hoary olde
Warren Commission "magic bullet" was trotted out again.
(long exasperated sigh)............

stage macians hate kids who see thru
the whole misdirection of attention business,
imagine the CIA and other fedgov conspirators
as global stage magicians who use stage
managed misdirection/disformation to
dazzle,confuse and obscure Reality.

*Dal-Tex Bldg, Texas School Book Depository,
Grassy Knoll, Railroad Overpass,mail order
Italian highly inaccurate  "mercy riffle",the 3 Hobos
(CIA Howard Hunt,Chuck Harrelson top assassin,
Eugenio Martinez ? Watergate burglar),
Jack Ruby,Guy Bannister,David Ferrie,
Oswalds missing skull,etc etc etc etc
the information is NOT hard to find (sigh)
IMHO this was the exact date we became a full on
Banana Republic 1984  style fascist gummint.....

without a trace of irony Bush 43 actually said
"War is Peace",we The American Empire are,like
overextended Ancient Rome, on a permanent war footing,
actually since WWII and the fake Cold War excuse....
where was i?
oh right, the link i posted about some peeps
are born fearful so they swing GOP,like
most of our paranoid Faux News addicted nabes
while some are more tolerant and swing Dims
or Progressive with a swing muddled Middle
in between. let me posit that some peeps
just CAN"T live in a world where dark secrets in gummint
kill our (s)elected leaders at will.
one of our ex nabes,who fled Nazi storm troopers,
said as much...
"I just couldn't live in a world where  (X).......was true."

this is me being tolerant,okay?
i am not screaming and my blood pressure is ok.
the CIA knew that Alex-Fake Oswald
was KGB and his wife Marina was dottir
of KGB Colonel and used this info to railroad
the Warren Omission into a 'rush to judgment'
to prevent WWIII,please  recall that this was
the Cuban Missle Crisis era.(i was there and the FBI,
yes that FBI forcibly disbanded my High School
Russian Language Club. WTF?)

speaking of which X MEN;FIRST CLASS is set in this era too,
it is IMHO NOT First Class but just above average,
like the cinematic WATCHMAN it is a lil flat
like warm beer, luckily the three leads are excellently cast
which saves it but for a 2011
film it feels a lil creaky;like my achy joints on a cold day.
was it worth $8,to me yes but i read the original comix
when they were new in the i might be biased?

i think that about covers it.
any Commnets from the Peanut Gallery?
(olde Howdy Dowdy TV reference)
c'mon peeps,what say thee?

GTG my allergies are acting out 2day
Peace Now?

PS catch the CAMELOT TV series
when it comes out on Netflix,
revamped Roman Era mythos but sexier;
Ralph Fienes,Eva Green
and the woman who plays Queen Igraine sizzle.

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