
Friday, June 10, 2011


"Silence is the most perfect expression of scorn." G B Shaw

taking a break from de-cluttering this joint long enuff to blog this.
found lotsa more quotes and books i'd forgotten ;)

one of the most depressing well written books i read in my youth
was DYING INSIDE by Robert Silverberg
who also wrote Down with the Dead is another title of his,
gimme a break its been 50+ years ok?

anyway RS posits a world wherein all have PSI abilities,
esp.telepathy, and the protagonist learns he is gradually losing his....
anyway that's the way i feel today.
almost fell again today but caught myself in time(sigh)
i have diabetic neuropathy(plus carpal tunnel and fibro)
"neuropathy" just means that your nerves die b4 you do....
the more precise term is "peripheral neuropathy"
as in you lose sensations in your hand and feet as it gradually
spreads inwards,in some cases it can stop your heart...;(
in my case my problem with Caps is that i can't feel
where all my fingers are going
esp. the pinkies,now the ring fingers.same thing with my feet
so this effects balance as does the soles of my feet
being swollen due to "insulin roulette"...
so i am looking at many years of this (hopefully)
as i promised The Mirage i would not die b4 her,
for the sake of the kids,and Soul Mate would no doubt
have trouble finding a replacement for someone like me.
(sly smiles)

all this was brought on by recent falls (no major damage yet)
and the fact i had a moderate problem picking up
a single piece of paper at a crips meeting yesterday.
so parts of me are failing faster than others, have found
bee pollen and reservatrol (sp?) to keep the brainbox working
and i know of speech to text PC programs out there,
which are finally get better and better,
so like the lady blogger on HOUSE this season
i will probably blog from my deathbed ;)
or as long as i am conscious.....

Peace Now?

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