
Monday, June 13, 2011


"I DON'T want to be happy...The Mirage thus formally ending 
our 5 year mostly unhappy troubled jealousy ridden half-open marriage,
lucky for me SOUL Mate is the exact Opposite ;)

aloha2u today,
didn't get enuff sleep last nite. VERY Excited about
a larger place we looked at yesterday, when i did sleep
i dreamt of Rep.Gabby Giffords doing street interviews in Oakland....
woke up with a theme,i think.

a rough paraphrase of a recent two panel cartoon....
a dog stares adoringly at a human
"He feeds me,walks me,attends to all my needs.
He must be GOD."
a black cat stares aloofly into space
"They feed me,clean my catbox and attend 
to my needs.I must be GOD."
ha HA.

i have loved and attended to maybe less than a dozen cats/kittens.
my first four were 2 from 2 diff litters.Smudge & Crabby
(formerly CHULA "lil sweetness") and Kissy
(formerly Kristaki "lover of waterfalls")
the smart faux Siamese
and her yellow retard brother Moon.

it was an odd mix, i picked them up the same nite
so they were all introduced into my apartment the same time,
so there were no dominance issues among the 4 kittens.
most cats are cool, show them the food,water and catbox
then let them explore and cat nap.Moon,a a yellow tabby-
which are famously stupid,i later found out-got
"flying lessons" the first few weeks every time
he peed on my futon(sigh)

Smudge would butt me with his head every time
they were out of food or water,Crabby was anti social
and just wanted to be left alone.Moon kinda liked people
and Kissy loved me ;).except for the Loma Prieta Quake,
when the 4 vanished out a second floor window for a week,
she usually slept on me or near me.she was always nuzzling me
and kneading me with her paws, as kittens do when they are nursing,
this even more than purring shows how happy a cat is.

funny story, i got my first answering machine after i got the 4 cats.
soon i got reports from my few friends that i did not return their calls,WTF?
one day i was home sick when someone called,i heard my voice then the caller
then the click,then i heard it agian as Kissy turned on the machine,listened
to then erased the message...maybe she just liked the sound of my voice????
had to hide the machine from her.

when me and The Mirage had Z Man, then Baby Z,i left him alone
on the futon to do something.when i returned a few minutes later
Kissy was sitting next to him so he couldn't roll off.;)
IMHO i believe that pets are part of the natural evolution of humans souls.

when we met The Mirage and moved to Oakland, i had trouble
coralling Smudge and Crabby.
 so i left them behind.after the landlord caught them
i took them to Golden Gate Park
and released them near an area known for its feral cats,
long before the Viet Namese came to make coat linings out of their fur.
anyway when i released Smudge he took off like a shot
whereas Crabby just stood there confused
until Smudge came back for him then they departed together.

it is a myth that ALL cats have a feral hunting instinct,
altho it was more than once that i woke up to a dying bird
or mouse lovingly deposited on my pillow by Kissy.

when she had her first litter she didn't know what to do
so i placed each kitten on her teats and showed them
what to do, it all went well except...her brother Moon was the father
and The Beeple,The Mirages fave, and the fratricidal Rito
were the result....Rito was a kitten sociopath and
killed most of his litter mates,we later abandoned
both he and Moon and i think both starved to death
amidst a field of plenty.

The Mirage and Pagani are/were both active in
Feral Cat Rescue,good for them.
BTW always spay and neuter your pets
and sometimes your partners;)
outdoor cats bring in fleas and ticks (LYME Disease)
so,for the sake of our infant kidz, we neutered Kissy
and The Beeple and took them
to the SPCA for adoption,
i hope it went well...(sigh)

"Though we travel the world over to find
the beautiful,we must carry it with us or we will find it not." 
Ralph Waldo Emerson

LOVE is where you find it
be Alert and savor it.

Peace Now?

1 comment:

  1. One of your Reaction choices should be "sad" - because that is how I feel.
