Sunday, May 6, 2012

the Black Bloc vs Occupy

"There is no end to madness,Jack thinks,once it takes hold."  Graham Swift

aloha 2u today,
i think i am somewhat improved.we shall see...
i was inspired to write today by the death of JUNIOR SEAU (R.I.P.)
and a well balanced IMHO article on the front page of the SF Chronicle
 about the Black Bloc and their tactics.
now the current MSM meme is either
"Occupy,aren't they dead yet?" on CNN or
 "Occupy,aren't they like so last year and stuff?"
everywhere else except Democracy Now.

someone on Link TV,probably Democracy Now that i think of it,
pointed out that most revolutions do not happen overnight
 or in 60 minutes for US TV.peeps die and fedgovs are
overturned due to sweat,planning and hard work
usually over generations like Egypt
which brings us to the Black Bloc....
the MSM meme is that they are mindless violent anarchists
and "Oh Lordy isn't wonderful we have the nice police
 to protect us from them" ,this may or may not reflect
 the opinion of most in the ghetto or barrio
where most see cops as the Army of Occupation like in Iraqistan.

me and SM have been protesting in the streets since the 60s
and know what ails this country-endless wars,economic bullying,
deeply entrenched  Greed & Corruption
from top to bottom.
so how do we heal this?

i myself oscillate between "Reform" plastering over the cancers
and some change shit around the edges
to burn the motherfucker to the ground and start over....
that being said the MSM and Vox Populi
view many acts of violence and property damage with alarm
as they have been taught.
as i was telling taxi tales to CORAL REEF yesterday
i have and had grown used to a level of violence in frisco
which many would find either mind boggling or unacceptable.
as a cab driver and Security at various locales i was often
ready and quite willing to commit acts of violence or
lethal self defense at any given moment.
i am somewhat past that now.....

the Chron article pointed out that some Black Bloc-ers
see themselves as the "tip of the spear"
placing their bodies between hyper-violent heavily armed cops
and non violent protestors
whereas the manager of a local army surplus store
sees them mostly as thrill seeking "trustafarians" from Marin.
with our decades of bitter experience SM and i
tend to label most of them as police agents set out to
 poison the whole Occupy movement in the eyes
of the MSM/peeps of all ages by trashing stores and
battling cops in the streets.
i somewhat agree that "property violence" is not the same as
police riots and shooting the unarmed many in the face or torso
 with army surplus war toys to protect the perks from the 1%.

as to Junior Seau, we are a violent and often hyper-violent society
where our obsession with "gladiator sports" per C.W.Nevius
 in the Chron sporting section, leads to the premature death
and disability of countless US athletes and cheerleaders.
90% of what we know about concussions,per Nevius,
 we have learned int the last 10 years
and yet pro football is over 100 years old...

of the 7 Billion + alive today
we are a tiny percentage yet we consume most
of the worlds drugs,licit and illicit,
amidst all the tough guy War on Drugs bullshit rhetoric
one fact is rarely mentioned
except for those govs beyond our borders
Why is the Demand for drugs so high here?
we have ravaged large chunks of the planet
via wars,invasions,greed and corruption
and now we get payback in poisons.

amidst some PTSD therapists there is the
new concept of Soul or Moral Wounds
where you have done something so heinous
that your soul itself retches and rebel,recoils in horror
i would posit that the same is true for us as a nation
this creates the Demand for any anodyne painkiller
to lull us back to sleep and back to work,

this is why i think the legit members of the Black Bloc are wrong
fighting fire with fire is what exterminated the First Americans
and anyone else who got in the settlers way,
it is what bred slavery and the Klan mentality of
Reconstruction and until now.
do we have to become Hitler to fight Hitler?
i hope NOT as those cops and fedgov bastards
have all the high tech crowd control,guns, tanks and planes
we cannot win a battle in the streets
only the battle in our hearts.

"Everything yields to the scientific application of Brute Force."
Korak the Killer,ex Marine, Nam vet,ex CIA asset


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