Sunday, May 27, 2012

web troll

"My mother always used to say to me 
"when you die they're gonna give that mouth of yours its own funeral."
-Wolf Haars

 R.I.P.. Travus T.Hipp  (old time hippie radio legend)

aloha2u today,
nine ayem and i have already moved nine boxes and
two small filing cabinets into the Pod thingy.

anyone else ever notice that the dolmens of yore look like the symbol for PI?
came to me about ten minutes before they mentioned it on Ancient Aliens
or was it UFO Files?

Leda & the swan
the dove & the Virgin Mary
coincidence? or gods at work?

speaking of gods i have spared you a two part semi scientific
anti Semite rant posted on one of my fave obscure websites but
it got me thinking (and once kicked out of Sunday School)
the Bible says THE GOD OF ISRAEL
repeatedly and who did Cain marry once exiled?
the Bible says he was exiled to the Land of Nod
and this was neither Peter Pan nor narcolepsy
"Nod" means Stranger in Archaic Hebrew
which kind of defeats the whole purpose of
specialness for Adam & Eve.
The "GOD' of Israel created a lil garden patch
for his own home brew humans
amongst other non selected humanity.
the talking snake was stolen and reviled from earlier
competing religions (see NAGAS OF INDIA
or the Reptilians of UFO fame)
so the Chosen People were just that chosen
and the anti Semitic screed which said all of Europe
 practiced Hinduism (???) before the non Aryan corrupt
Judeo Christian heresy invaded
is on some base level partially correct.

Charles Fort around the 1920s
speculated that humanity was not the Apex Predator
of this planet and decades of research into the "fortean"
and paranormal and theoretical physics have mostly
convinced me he was right.

posted a link this year from YouTube
about a physicist who recognized binary code from the 1920s
buried deep within string theory equations.
i find this troubling as i get queasy reading about our universe
as a holographic projection of some mean spirited
sentient uber species......Mother Nature, as we know it,
operates in fractals not binary.(think snowflakes and leaves
 not computer code) ....about 12,000 years ago the sacred books
 of the Hindus said there were at least 330,000 civilized worlds
and that we on this one live in a world of MAYA (illusion)
which would be another way of saying hologram
like the Star Trek Holodeck...
i would like to think, or at least my ego would like to think
that my suffering and triumphs and travails
are more than just those of some binary mouse
scrambling thru a pointlessly complex binary maze
for the wry amusement of some Other.
(my existence has meaning damnit)
Maybe Zeus,Mithra,Odinn, Kukulcan, the God of Israel,
the Sumerian Annunaki...BTW Goliath in the Bible was
said to be from a race of giants called the ANAKIM
not too far off from ANNUnaki?

and another thing
occult lit thru the ages has postulated something called
a type of morphic field for all of humanity
wherein all our collective wisdom lies,
think of the internet only psychic,
in my almost 65 years
i have seen many instances to verify this
i'm just saying...

"Go to Heaven for the climate,Hell for the company."
-Mark Twain

i plan to

1 comment:

  1. "coincidence? or gods at work?" You forgot the third rather obvious reason: All these things are the product of the human mind. Given that they have a common source, this explains all similarities without resorting to supernatural means.

    Re Cain (not the WWE version) ...there were already cities, obviously, and other people - so that's how Cain got his wife, etc. As to how that happened, it's easy: The Bible explains only the mythical origin of the Semitic peoples. You'll notice there are no blacks, no Asians, no Polynesians, no Native Americans... no anybody that comes out of the old testament except for ...well, middle eastern people in all their various sub-sets. Once you realize that the stories of the Bible (OT) are talking ONLY about the Semitic people generally and the Israelites in particular, it makes a lot more sense.
