Reality thought for the day:
"Neither party rules. Corporations do the ruling. Politicians conduct the
public sing-along about democracy." from Mr.B /per Soul Mate
THE DARKER SIDE by CODY McFADYEN not for the squeamish!
alil back story here, I LOVE DETECTIVE MYSTERIES. in the talking book club i make no selection, they just send me a fresh mystery once a month or so. i discover new writers, i savor new writers, others i dislike.
the above book, can't exactly say i ENJOYED it and ENDURING it is not accurate either, the theme is sin & redemption and serial killers.CM is a very good writer but some of the scenes are graphic and some almost cartoonish ( a lot like Sparracus...) if u have a STRONG STOMACH & CLEAR CONSCIENCE u might like this book...not too disagreeable? ??? why i am even telling u this?
to MY EX (*) U WILL LOVE IT, i think...
speaking of loving
did i mention the film SHORTBUS by Gregg Araki (sp?) explicit comedy in the tradition of Warhol's LONESOME COWBOYS & NAKED RESTAURANT with Viva! when i lived in LA in the 60s the only place to see Warhole et al was in a converted garage down an alley off Sunset Blvd, yes Hollywood.later when i worked in nyc i met Taylor Meade and the fat woman heiress, i'm blanking on her name (ah yes, Bridget Polk?) but she was BROKEN beyond sad & pathetic just BROKEN and all her money & nude pictures couldn't buy her love & acceptance.
man, what a downer blog for SUCH A BEAUTIFUL DAY ! the 70s are expected for later and the sky is a crisp non breezy blue.
a regular is Warhol films usually naked or at least topfree, mophead blonde with mouse bite breasts and a tart sarcastic tongue, I LOVED HER. when i met a taller shyer but no less Fascinating version of her i jumped at the chance and she jumped too, but at me...she became my first Live In GF. i blame Andy Warhol but to my novice senses THE SEX WAS i being too male shallow? she was six foot tall,pretty and smart and somehow intimidated most men who met her. SIGH ,men didn't know what they were missing aside from the tantrums and pettiness...
NAJUD (Pushtun) a woman of intelligence and good shape.God knows where i found this, scribbled it down decades ago, maybe one of the FLASHMAN novels or SIR RICHARD BURTON travels?
on the same theme we were watching DIVNE TRASH on Ovation TV last nite, a docu about John Waters makIing PINK FLAMINGOS which even ementioned the PALACE THEATER (nee Pagoda) in Frisco where i saw PF on a midnight show with the COCKETTES (see film TRICIAS'S WEDDING a cult classic). aside from their one movie the COCKETTES put on musical stageshows for a shoestring and often wearing less than that.THEY WERE FUN and most were on food stamps or welfare but they sang and danced their gender bending hearts out.the pot smoke was so thick in the theater all you had to do was inhale and u were high for hours.ah, those were the day my friends....
but enuff about me, SPRING IS A-COMING....dig out your flip flops (which people here wear all year long) and sp40 sunscreen and head out to a wheezy pollen rich spring. oh dear, was that too negative....yeah right.
namaste y'all
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