"Liberty is the right to do whatever the law permits."
Charles Louis Montesquieu
i made a flip comment awhile ago about Tiger Wood's women and how has he was bottom feeding with cocktail waitresses and busty porn stars, most of them weren't very pretty.
in sexual addiction the quality is less important than the quantity as we shallow men evidence LOOKS IS EVERYTHING.
ELIN WOODS is blonde and kinda hot with AN IDENTICAL TWIN SISTER (is that a male porn fantasy material or what?) so regardless of class or looks TW took advantage of his money and fame to bed many many strange women.the fact each thot they were the only one says something about his charisma but the reckless texting and other flagrant behavior sez a lot about his compulsions.
THE BEAUTY INDUSTRY IS BASED ON LOW SELF ESTEEM that it takes a truckload of high priced goop to make you bed-able and marriage worthy. B.S.
if you say YES to most men you're pretty enuff.( see BEER GOGGLES)
i had a co worker,a real DOG, who told me of a fued he had with a girl in high school, one night she showed up at his door NAKED -SO HE JUST HAD TO SCREW HER,what? I DID NOT SCREW ARMY GIRL WHEN SHE LAY NAKED BESIDE ME. he also called the old 976 numbers and often strange women would drop by to have sex with him, often driven by their boyfriends ( they didn't know apparently) ...there was more too but i digress.HE DIDN'T CARE WHAT THE WOMEN LOOKED LIKE NOR THEY HE...it was JUST SEX,at least this was his rationale for cheating on his cold crazy wife (yes i met her). men are very good at lying to themselves and putting things in watertight emotional boxes, some wonme are equally good at this too...
now i am a tall fat crip but i am funny,smart and wry. some people like me for my personality, SOUL MATE LIKES ME FOR ME! fat girls, esp. blind dates, are always said to have "A NICE PERSONALITY" as tho men care about that more than her cup size.some guy wrote a book FAT GIRLS ARE GRATEFUL which i think bleis the secret MEN ARE ATTRACTED TO A VARIETY OF FEMALE BODY TYPES.
i am kinda conventional except i prefer taller A CUP leggy types whereas most guys like busty Playboy types and some guys actually prefer PLUS SIZE WOMEN. there has been much made that women in HAPPY RELATIONSHIPS USUALLY PUT ON ABOUT 10-20 LBS, a local talk show host, a liberal, said that these women LET THEMSELVES GO AFTER THE FISH WAS HOOKED.
i think men prefer a lil more meat to hang onto, most women will eventually feel LOVED FOR BEING THEMSELVES and stop dieting to extremes.i took me years to convince SM that i didn't secretly lust after the PAM ANDERSON BOOB HARVEST,sigh.
this is kinda scattered and rambling but i am trying to be a bit Beyond PC here, i like women as people not just sex objects (altho as sex objects i find them very tasty....)
>SANDRA BULLOCK WON AN OSCAR now apparently her marriage is over. (see above) SIGH.
BTW my pre op GI Survey has been postponed for another week, no solid reason given.
BTW 2 was reading something recently which gave MARK TWAIN credit for inventing the word 'SHEEPLE' in HIS ANTI IMPERIALIST PAPERS, anybody know better????
namaste y'all
semper grumpy
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