"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give. "
-Sir Winston Churchill AMEN TO THAT...
aloha, ever have a loose tooth that really bugs you?
Afghanistan feels like that to me.
RUDYARD KIPLING wrote several books which became films GUNGA DIN (think the Alamo at Khyber Pass) THE JUNGLE BOOK & THE MAN WHO WOULD BE KING ( check www.IMDB,COM).
Kipling, aside from being a halfway decent poet, was also a noted colonalist & racist. he coined the term WHITE MAN'S BURDEN to describe the Duty of Civilized Countries to invade & exploit these Savages.SIGH.
nowadays we use the guise of charity, the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and some NGOs to do much the same.
yesterday the (9th Circuit Court stopped the irrational and potentially lethal IHSS curs here in KALIpornia and today the sun is shining,coincidence? go to www.cdcan.us for all the details.
still haven't seen Micheal Moore's new film and my meds co-pay is rapidluy eating it's way thru my monthly allowance.CURSE THEE,DONUT HOLE...ARRRRGH! wanted to see SURROGATES & PARNDORUM but Rite Aid got the money instead,SIGH.
spent two hours in the warm pool at PT, i wanted to grow fins & gills just to stay there forever, rather than return to the outside world of storme und drang...see, even a cranky guy like me can find bliss outside my home & Man Cave. no fresh bad news from MY EX (*) altho i have been offline for a few days, SOUL MATE is either slowly recovering or having a relapse, her recent mood has been as dark as my own.Cripes, do i sound LIKE THAT? (humor attempt)
BTW www.democrynow.org for all the latest in bad news from a slightly lefty perspective.
that's all i got today, PT stopped most of the ache in my bad knee, most of my spinal agony is temporarily abated now if i could only find out what i am hyper allergic to and stop the mucous flow i would be..not exactly happy, satisfied???
hi PAGANI,stay well...health reform is coming,glacially slow as usual.
namaste y'all
semper gummo (the 4th Marx Bros)
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