"Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence." H.L.MENCKEN
aloha, I AM STUNNED!
Nobel love?
CAPT.COMPROMISE (Obama) wins the Nobel PEACE prize (first sitting prez since Teddy Roosevelt & Woodrow Wilson per DemocracyNow) FOR WHAT? his febble efforts in Israel, Iraq and Afghanistan? on a day when most of the PATRIOT ACT has benn upheld and is to be continued? on a day when Gitmo WILL NOT CLOSE AS PROMISED? the current sabotage of the Kyoto Accords on climate change? DON'T ASK DON'T TELL IS STILL THE RULE.maybe his promises of BIPARTISAN COMPROMISE (FAIL!) were enough. i voted for the man (disappointed & now chastened) but i see this as a TRIUMPH OF STYLE OVER SUBSTANCE.deep sigh...
our car radio is dying and now selects stations at random, on the way to the retreat yesterday i was subjected to the right wing paranoia of Glenn Beck then the left wing paranoia of Alex Jones, i half expected to see bombs falling and the world ablaze. that Jesus did not return before i reached the retreat is a miracle (sic).
i have been tasked to create an e newsletter from scratch & BE POSITIVE.
consider this blog as an exercise in Positive Thinking...these are from my taxi drivng daze in the 1970s.
in the 70s one of the hottest clubs in San Francisco was in North Beach, it was called DANCE OUR ASS OFF which gave us cabbies a lot of business.i used to park outside at an ad hoc CAB STAND like many others.one night i saw a golden Lab tied to the sign post outside, a car pulled up and the dog was hauled inside. it looked like it didn't want to go...so i wrote down the license plate.about two-three weeks later i saw a reward poster for the same dog, so i copied down the number and called. i was challenged for not calling the number sooner, i patiently explained that i called the same day i saw their poster. i gave them the license plate and waited.i got a nasty call a few days later that the license plate didn't exist...long story short, THEY HAD COPIED THE LICENSE PLATE WRONG (sigh). i never heard from them again but the SF Chronicle did later announce the break up of a local petnapping for ransom ring.
i was coming down the Outer Third post midnight (near Candlestick Park) and saw a young girl hitchhiking. she was wearing a skimpy tube top and shorts in what can best be described as a Very Unsavory nabe. she was cute black petite maybe 13 to 15. i did a 360 to pick her up.
Me> where you going?
Jailbait>i don't have any $.
Me> i didn't ask u that. where u going? Get in.
she got in and gave me an address as i explained, in a fatherly way, that i didn't wanna read about her being gang raped and murdered in the local paper.perhaps she was unaware that in nearby McLaren Park a serial killer had routinely dumped women's bodies for the past 8 years, far as i know he is still uncaught.i had lived withing walking distance of said park.made her promise never to do something so stupid again,she promised...
my cab company had regulars,people who rode every night, one was a male ER Nurse at Ft.Miley VA Hospital in the Presidio. one night i was driving him home and came by a secluded park near Gough i think.out of nowhere a blonde woman in torn clothes appeared between my headlights, by whatever Gods may be i stopped in time, she hysterically complained that she had just been raped and that when called the cops did not come.SIGH.
i requested the indulgence of the ER Nurse for a slight detour & he agreed. i put the woman in the front seat and drove a few blocks north to Union street to the BUS STOP BAR, yes it was next to a bus stop.not one but two SFPD police cars were parked out front and four cops in full uniform were drinking and flirting inside. i took the woman and pushed her into the arms of the closet cop>HERE.GOT SOME BUSINESS FOR YAH! then i jumped into the cab and took off before he could get my cab number. in SF each precinct has its particular cop bar where cops roost on & off duty, most cabbies know them like we knew the gay and drag bars.
BTW I AM NOT WRITING THIS TO PROVE I AM A NICE GUY,like Batman i have a Very Dark side and i think the Statute of Limitations has run out of whatever misdeed i have done, maybe.
BTW2 Soul Mate has the flu, my fall allergies are running amok and my ex sister in law had a stroke and is now in hospice.U HAVE MY PRAYERS FOR A 'GOOD DEATH' PATTY.
namaste y'all
semper gimpy
ReplyDeleteJust cause I don't write doesn't mean I don't read ya or love ya.
You are doing a terrific thing with these writings.
My perception is that the main gratification of your writings is for yourself and we are the incidental beneficiaries.
Keep 'em coming.
Kind of relates in an oblique way to the latest post at http://clhaight.blogspot.com/