
Sunday, February 22, 2015

bad hotel job pt 2

hokay, where was i?......
ah, the coke hound and other troubles...
.now in Dilbert the pointy haired boss is clueless with trendy psychobabble buzzwords...our guy was so coked up he would show up at section head meetings without reading the copious paperwork the hotel HQ demanded, then he would blame us! 

so we took to taping up, i shit you not, the paperwork on doors and lamps of our temporary offices which he defeated by NOT going to the offices before these meetings,sigh...

so i quickly learned that about half my crew had applied to be Janitors and NOT security and had lil to no interest in the work involved.  so since there was now an opening i got Korak the Killer hired as my 2nd, and no he never paid me back. 

now,in college i had a crush on a naive redhead Debra K.and somehow this got transferred to the unstable mouth whore Copper Penny at the new job, more on that later. 

so i had Copper Penny,Slut Puppy,Korak the Killer and later The Mirage on my crew as well as one or two others of any worth. one guy i repeatedly tried to fire turned out to be the lazy nephew of our section chief bumbler....sigh..

 soon Korak and i began to notice that behind the mountain of useless paperwork and chaos was a dark soul....the head of Housekeeping was skimming the OT of his staff when not shoving their faces into toilets or threatening then with L Migra (ICE immigration etc). and it seemed that many of the bar waitress staff were hookers and the lobby bartender was their pimp.and said pimp bartender once forged my name on the two signature daily cash drop ON A NITE I WAS OFF!  maybe $800 + missing and nothing happened,not a peep from anyone..

now Kirs on the swing shift was recruited to "sweep" the hotel owners office for bugs and found one,,the obvious one as she had no experience in this task. Korak and i immediately told her where else she Should have looked afterwards....again not a peep..

now Korak had a frisco cop drinking buddy who he asked to nose around the hotel for clues and Korak soon got the reply 'WHAT? ARE YOU TRYING TO GET ME KILLED? NEVER SPEAK TO ME AGAIN!!!.   hmmm, 

so we began to research the hotel owners background in Hong Kong and elsewhere and it seems he was in hock to The Triads (ruthless Chinese Mafia) for millions and was under death threats to himself and his immediate family if he didn't obey orders. we did all this research WITHOUT THE INTERNET so it's not like it was a Big Secret....and so the jigsaw puzzlwe pieces began coming together. and then the dominoes began to fall and people started to get fired...

now the reason the hotel got built and affordable shabby housing leveled was the promise of jobs,lots of good paying jobs right? okay once that promise was kept and Mayor (now Senator ) DiFi, presided at the Grand Opening, while we shuttled a corpse out the back door that promise had been kept..

now security was 24/7 like most downtown hotels but we had 8 people per shift for almost a block area of 1000 rooms plus lobby,dining rooms and bars.when they were done, i seem to recall it was 4 or 5 people per shift,usually the lazy and basically i was hired on and in a lie, 

so i made a calculated gamble and xeroxed an ill advised proposal to Copper Penny,(what can is say?my Biological Clock was ticking Big Time),. and i was  summoned then fired. i would later take my copy of this to Unemployment and got a full year of checks...i din't even have to mention the bogus ptomises of coke hound for "Comp Time" for all the unpaid OT and conferences...

Korak would later take over my shift before both he and Kris were also fired and the hits just kept on coming. coke hound, who had worked with Copper Penny before, would fire her to go mouth whoring at yet another hotel,The Mirage and i kept in touch as we had similar tastes in art and movies and after a year or so we got around to sex pregnancy  then marriage...Koak would leave his second wife and adopted son (much like he left his first and biological son in L.A. earlier). having many job relayed affairs before sailing off into the sunset with the female  Japanese boat owner... 
what else?
hmmmm, that about covers it,oh right 
Slut Slut Puppy, as he called himself, was an obese always disheveled grizzled gay man whom everybody either liked or night Korak and i were on exterior patrol when we heard a small crowd of people yelling JUMP! JUMP! JUMP!  like NYC frisco is a 24/7 kinda town but at 3 ayem this was rather odd so we hustled towards the sound to find a now deceased crumpled pile of humanity and a huge Orgasmic Sigh...

Slut Puppy was nearly hysterical as the jumper from the non hotel property had turned to look directly at him before,as an eyewitness, we had him write the main report and i made a note in the nightly log and summary  only be summoned by the coke hound, in my off hours, out of a deep sleep, to come in and write another report about the first report.maybe you can see why i was glad to leave? i had witnessed suicides at The Clift Hotel without all the Drama and needless Angst.No Big.

 so death was no Big Deal and when Korak was briefly the Head of Security for an infamous Germany based local slumlord,( who would later commit a suspicous suicide himself.also related to skimming from gangsters)..when not fucking his mostly female crew, he and the Nam vets he also hired routinely found decomposing bodies of.elderly or suicidied tenants..

what else?  oh right , Kris wanted to fuck me but she was married
 ( a No Go for me always) so i foisted her onto Korak who was  married but also cheater. after awhile he wanted her to leave her husband and two sons while he made up his mind to ditch his wife and son...she didn't and he moved was all Just Sex too him.. 

think that covers most of the high and low points.
hope this was not too boring,
 Z Man has a birthday this week and this is part of his present. "How I Met Your Mother" -ish....

as you were?

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