
Sunday, February 22, 2015

bad hotel job frisco pt1?

"When going thru HELL...keep going." attrributed to Ho Chi Zen,among others...
 i was not really looking for a new job just for Korak the Killer to repay the $1000 i loaned him to get him and his family out of my crowded studio apartment. he moved next door so i figured i'd get repaid ..not counting on his raging PTSD to cost him job after job after frisco had torn down a square block of slums and affordable SROs to build a 1000 room tourist hotel a long sneeze away from the famous frisco cable cars, with the provison that a god chunk of newly created jobs went to local residents, 

we both lived within easy walking distance of the site. so there was an open cattle call for job seekers and i wanted Korak to apply as, despite everything, he was qualified.
he didn't ant to go, 
so i dusted off my job seeker costume and walked him over there only to find that i could not sit idly by while he mimed his way thru but had to apply myself,sigh...several thousand locals applied for about 800service  jobs...i was interviewed by a very nice black man who did not appear to be a drunk,moron or cheating on his wife (like my current and past hotel bosses) who impressed me no end.he said he would call and i gave notice to my old job,
Korak got no such i waited and waited and enjoyed a brief respite of hustling between college and work to just was lovely. so fianlly the call came and i found out 2 things. 

1. being given my own shift crew was off the table as so many people had applied that they had lost track and gave the job to someone else so once again a reckless drunk was my boss.

 2 the nice man who hired me was leaving in a week leaving me working for another egotist bumble, long sigh the new job began where we opened up a brand new hotel with a crew of both the experienced and lazy on my graveyard shift crew boss was an ex Marine and ex mercenary who drank and boasted too much and soon got fired for giving a private sex  tour to a Chinese hooker so i wound up running the shift after all....

now we'd all gotten measured for uniforms, blue blazers and grey pantss, one major snafu was that they got european tailoring so that few of the sizes fit everyone and i wound up shelling out almost $300 to a Big N Tall for a blazer i could actually get, the nice man who hired me was replaced by an incompetent coke hound (think Dilbert only much worse).   like W he was a legacy bastard with money who spent his time restoring old Porsches. he had experience but no job skills other than knowing our bumbler section boss who'd flip flopped between the CHP and SFPD repeatedly...
whoops, gotta stop now. my sugars are crashing on this liquids only pre colonoscopy regime.
 gotta go 

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