
Friday, January 31, 2014

pull my finger 2014

WARNING **** offensive rape "joke" ahead.

have heard this "joke" over 20 years from
 several male co workers,so i have a point to this.

a busty blonde woman in a low cut dress walks into
a local bar where 8-12 men are playing pool and watching sports.
she says she's new in town and order a Scotch rocks double and tells the bartender to
"keep'em coming".
soon she has collapsed face down on the bar
(sometimes one bra-less breast is thus exposed)
so the bartender picks her up and dumps her
atop the pool table where he finds she is also lingerie less
(going commando is some versions)
so he strips then rapes her and invites
the other men present to do likewise which they do.

afterwards she is dumped in a booth until
she wakes up which she does then staggers out.
next week more or less the same thing happens
 except now the bar is half full of horny men
numbers range from 24 to 36 this time
as she blacks out then is raped repeatedly
in every available orifice.
once again dumped in a booth and sobers up
enough to stagger out.
third week a line of horny men around the block
 await and part like the Red Sea as she enters
and takes a bar stool.
"Scotch rocks double?" the bartender leers?
"No make it bourbon, Scotch makes my pussy
and asshole hurt/bleed."
that was the "joke" and i never laughed
so why am i telling you all this?
my insomnia is back and sometimes
my sleepless brain makes odd and unforseen connections.

ARMY GIRL was a schizophrenic who was
possibly molested by her father like her pretty sister
(yes I met both to form this theory)...Army Girl like to drink
Army Girl would drink and black out only to wake up
 naked or missing parts of her clothing. this happened here
at high school and at Army bases at home and abroad
and the first time she got pregnant (no birth control)
she thot it was a "virgin birth" like Jesus
(Southern Baptist Christianity plus schizophrenia).
Army Girl never wore underwear, no bra and no panties
and when i found her naked an unconscious after
 being raped by a brutal bunch of janitors
she blamed herself for not wearing lingerie
 as tho that meant anything.

she was soon fired for drinking on the job but
nothing ever happened to the janitors...sigh.
she was the butt of a series of leering dirty jokes
after she was gone. i still did not laugh.
Soul Mate says my Sidekick Theory is of fbase
and that the term "background noise" is
more accurate as if The Other was a shdow puppet
not worthy of sympathy,respect or regard.
is she right?  is it that bad?
if you're female,black,brown,gay or Amish
are you an Un-Person???

what do you guys think?


 "...when the gods wish to punish us 
they answer our prayers." Oscar Wilde

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