
Friday, January 31, 2014

poaching 2014

okay this was odd, having been thinking of this while
 not sleeping and today it appears on the front page of today's Senile
(aka Santa Cruz Sentinel).
the article was on wood poaching
people druggies,loose cannons, hill muffins et al
who cut down trees on public lands to dry and sell
for firewood without the required permits or permission.

since the sawmills closed in Mendocino county
30 odd years ago (about the same as s'cruz logging ops)
this has been a major off books occupation along with
copper pipes rustling and mushroom poaching for fancy frisco restaurants.
so you have homel;ss camps despoling the environment quickly and poacher doing the same
over a longer time span and adding to soil erosion and beetles infestations.

i see this as Ayn Randian tribute to selfishness
and a ruthless disregard for the Common Good
versus money 4 nothing profits.
in amore humane and sane society this would not be
necessary and being Homeless would not be
a de facto criminal act.

but what do i kno?

"Necessity is the plea for every infringement
of human freedom.It is the argument of tyrants,
 it is the creed of slaves." William Pitt 1783

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