
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

sidekicks H-N-I-C

H-N-I-C..i.e Head Nigger (negro) In Charge (sic)

more on the SIDEKICKS Meme.

surveys have shown that Affirmative Action mandates,
despite its promises,
has mostly benefited muddle class white wimmin.
yet most sheeple polled think that it has been
"too successful" for negro empowerment

while watching the World Series
one is bombarded by ads for "Brooklyn Nine Nine"
which seesm to be about a stoic black police captain and
the juvenile antics of his staff.
(Barney Miller in blackface  as i've seen it described).

when i watched Law & Order
the judges seen were mostly black.
take The Blacklist or Sleep Hollow
and many other shows where the HNIC is
the obstacle to adolescent style rebellion
and sometimes sanity.

so the sheeple think that
"well i seen it on the TV so why
give dem niggers nothing else"
as TV watching has been shown to
 induce a trance like state
which does often impinge on reality.

in reality the HNIC is merely a sidekick
revolving around the usually white
protagonist and they are rarely fleshed out
as three dimensional human beings.
they are cut outs, a backdrop
to White Reality as i have found in my expereince
 when my white male friends rejected me
for being too real and showing
inner anguish and turmoil
just like any normal human being.

like the brilliant Masters of Sex
shows,most men have little real regard for wimmin
beyond sexual gratifiaction
and sexy arm candy support.
there was more but my sacrum-lower back
is flaring up painfully and i can't sit here much longer.
please stay tuned...


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