
Sunday, October 27, 2013

HOMELESS in "Paradise"

"I.m NOT Homeless, I have a car, 
I'm merely house-less..for now." 
heard on the street here

the recurrent meme as touted by the GOP slanted daily fishwrap,
dubbed The Senile for it's retrograde outlooks,
it that transient trash blows in during the warm weather
to panhandle,do drugs then fling used needles and feces
 willy nilly to taunt the locals and tourists while fouling
our streets,beaches and greenbelt spaces.
that is what The Senile and NIMBYs preach...

however the biannual fedgov census needed to secure funds
tells a different tale of foster kids "termed out" at 18 to
fend for themselves with no life skills and usually
 falling prey to prostitution and beggary,
of the sudden jobless and/or foreclosed residents
 living in their cars,elevator shafts or
deep in the abundant backwoods
and elderly falling between the cracks
of an overburdened frayed safety net (sic).

contrary to the meme S'Cruz is not awash in an abundance
of services for the needy,mentally and drug challenged
and the chronic homeless, compared to other cities in the region
it lags far far behind.

s'cruz is an overpriced backwater beachfront bedroom commute
to the real jobs "over the Hill" -San Jose & Silicon Valley
and the average homelss resident has been here at least three years
and is not your young aimless leaf blower"trash".
so is there a solution to the problem? yes
but is there political will???

a few days ago The Senile published a front page
color photo of the Homeless despoiling a historic cemetery,
yes a cemetery, with a "somebody should do something about this' screed.
i should note this cemetery is in a little travelled cul de sac adjacent to
The Pogonip Wilderness which ahs been blitzed by
uniformed leaf blowers after routing the homeless
from the beach, beach caves and downtowen streets and so
when they flee the commons to sleep like cavemen...

it is to weep.
as you were?  sleep well.

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