
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Phobias & this is not ART

"Show me the face you had before you were born" 
-famous ZEN koan

maybe no bitching about O'Bomber
or the sad state of Neo Rome U$A today.

no let's talk about me again.
other than Soul Mate, good chocolate,
emails from G Man and the Stone Boyz
 and Asian foods
a few things make me happy,
my art and volunteer activism...
had a chance to combine the two about a year ago
 when i put together 100+ Disability themed cartoons
and they were put on display at the S'Cruz County Bldg and
we had a nice presentation of the KUDOS Awards for
outstanding community service., of course
 i was so sick that day all i could do was sit
in the back and speak to a few people.

the reception of the toons was almost universally good
"eye opening" was heard quite often and i had chance
 to explain a few of the more obscure references
in the toons to a kid of a friend.who was there
 getting a Kudos that nite.
all went well i thot.

BTW  i did NOT do this for personal glory
quite the opposite, i have served on the
S'Cruz Commsion of Disabilties
(for which i do a biweekly crip digest
without snark, no brag just the facts)
for roughly 11 years and in all that time
we have done surveys and forums and what have you.

so we got this new world beater commish
let's call her "HATTIE" as in
which is Texan for bullshit mostly.
so Hattie decided that as her gift to the
 community she would start a monthly or quarterly
 news letter with an online version for the COD

so Hattie had "all these writers lined up
 and all we need is some cartoons..."
so i made a few, then made a few more and
 by the time i ran out of ideas i had 100+
so i turned them in and like the floods
 in India and Calgary, the excuses began to flow.

sigh, of course everything else was a lie
so to save face Hattie suggested an Art Show,
after all we had all these toons...
so that is what we did.

so another commish suggested we reach
 a wider audience beyond the County Bldg
and said he would show some samples
to the new Director (whom he had met)
of the MAH downtown,
the MAH....Museum of Art an d History
has shown kids art and piles of leaves "art"
and things that look like painted dropcloths
and after months of delays we were informed
"this is NOT Art".
it still rankles me to this day.

being 65 old fat half blind and disabled
has shown me the wide range of disability-phobes.

FACT no one wants to see a future wherein
they are disabled and dependent on others ,
certainly not here in John Wayne America.
it's like the handmaiden to DEATH
so being "good americans" we are in Denial of it
and we shun and shame it,
sometime covertly or even overtly
while somehow managing to feel good
about ourselves at the same time.
we crips have a term for it" ABLEISM"
it's a form of blindness really.

also along that spectrum is
in another way a form of spiritual death
and so also subject to Denial.
draconian laws against sitting,standing,sleeping
and even breathing in public or tourists view
of the taxpaying serfs is
not to mention cruel and unusual
punishment which results in
a fine and/or jail time.
how stupid is that?
why can't we put them into foreclosed housing?
what and violate the Sacred God of Private Property???
no fucking way.
better to be like Calcutta
and watch, no ignore them living
and dying all around us.
yes yes that is much much better
when i lived above Willits,
in Mendocino County it was routine
for one or two Homeless
to freeze to death in the snows every winter.
once upon a time i thot
we were better than this,now...

i think that's all i have to say
Google is being glitchy today
 with pop up warnings galore. hope this amkes it thru


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