
Monday, June 24, 2013

OFFLINE briefly?

" Tell the truth but ride a fast horse." -French saying courtesy of The Mirage.

i shall be Offline briefly? but this does not mean
i am dead, i hope.
my 15 year old oft revamped steampunk PC
has to go to the chop shop to be re-revamped.
hope to be up and blogging by the weekend
or by 4 July one hopes.

anyway my Blue Rats screenplay is 99.9%
complete so now is the time before i hit
yet another creative gusher.
once i get my copyright ducks in a row
 i might even share it with y'all.
we shall see...

MAN OF STEEL was decent
summer fluff but overlong...
Cavill and Adams make a cute couple.
hope to catch WORLD WAR Z during the
blogging break as i am a semi-huge Brad Pitt fan
(ditto Ryan Reynolds and Jake Glynenhall (sp?)
Channig Tatum leaves me cold,and you G Man?)
hoping that REDS 2 & KICKASS 2
are as much fun as the originals?

so try to amuse yourselves until then.
as you were?


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