
Friday, August 19, 2011

ReDreaming America.....

..." The American Dream is a NIGHTMARE!"
...various current sources

aloha2u today,
i cannot help but feel a deep sense of glee whenever
the WALLSTREET stock market plunges.
i have been thinking about this a lot but a long analysis
with SOUL MATE yesterday crystallized some things....

as i see it there are at least two or three
American Dreams which often comopete with
each othet,see recent "debt crisis debacle"....

the Original American Dream (OAD)
was Manifest Destiny which lead to
the genocide of the native populace
and the exploitation of "virgin territory" (sic).
so basically land and family and some privacy.

the OAD then morphed into more of a
city centric model say about the early 1800s
this lead everntually to an OAD confrontation
of the Civil War and again thru Jim Crow and
so called Reconstruction....(the carpetbaggers
OAD and patent medicine OADS)
so i would place the OAD of The Robber Barons                               
about the President Ulysses Grant era
and the Gold Rush era plus railroad boom/giveaway.
so we have the Jim Crow OAD (see Tea Party)
which served the baser instincts of the                                                                                                             Robber Barons OAD (see GOP today).
so the OAD of the Robber Barons was
Casino Capitalism and lassez faire everything,
'we're Rich so we can do what we want!'
i feel that this ethos was in the OAD
from Day One but the significant rise is wealth
of the 1900s (millionaires,Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
and child labor) made this OAD odious to
most thinking peeps.

where was i?
the Immigrant OAD rose at
this time to the fore front ,
the rise of cliques in ghetto housing based on
ethnicity and beyond mere racial sterotypes
(see immigration issues,cheap labor,fertility and gangs,
 issues still exploited by the GOP).
so The Robber Barons (The Elites)
have a basic and base OAD
"More,more more!" but as
the French Revolution demonstrated
the problem with The Haves is that
The Have Nots might revolt and take whats yours.

so you exert More Control, More flawed education,
More Limits to suceess,More corrupt fedgov
stooges,More Wallstreet manipulations,
More Boom & Bust cycles which bankrupt
the Poor but you teach an OAD
that "one day you too can be Rich!"
and like the carrot and stick this takes
some of the pressure off you and yours
and when that doesn't work you
call in the troops or start an
unnecessary war which also lines your pockets.

HORATIO ALGER stories promulgated this
OAD but if you examine them
they depend on the largesse of
some rich mentor or benefactor
(see Lt.Guv KALIpornia
Gavin Newsom and the Gettys
or various KOCH BROS stooges).

concurrent to this was the rise of unions OAD
and the GI Bill after WWII
and the birth of the suburbs
which took the communal barn raising of the past
(see Thom Hartmann  on the Commons)
to a sequestered cul de sac
FATHER KNOWS BEST ranch home/prison....

to backtrack a second the Feminist OAD
began with Mary Shelley (see Frankenstein)
or perhaps the myth of the Amazons
and in America was diverted first with
abolishing slavery then alcohol then got its own
right to vote.(this is all greatly simplified of course).

so back to the 1950s
where everyone has to have
at least one shiny new home,car and wife,
after WWII.unions are strong and
The Middle Class expands and seeing
the mess The Robber Barons OAD
has made of the place demands some meager
regulations to tidy up for themselves and their offspring.
The Middle Class has The Baby Boom and Power,
it has the votes and the unions to make a diff in the OAD
like clean air and water,safer food and working conditons,
less fedgov giveawys to Big Biz,more fairness and
accountability from their alleged reps....

then comes RONALD WILSON REAGEN (666?)
and the Rise of the MSM (MAIN STREAM MEDIA)
a Lil Abner cartoon of the era had a famous caption
"What's Good for Gneral Bullmoose
is Good for the USA!"  this is
the Robber Baron's OAD in a nutshell.

when i lived in Frisco i was perplexed that
peeps liivng in cramped dingy SRO hotels
in Chinatown overwhelming voted against
their own interests (the GOP)
while gambling addictivly and playing the Lottto
but they had bought into the Robber Barons
and overlapping Immigrants OAD.
peeps there is only so much room
at the top of the food chain and the
entrenched Elites are not making room
for you without a fight.
(see Warren Buffet,Bill Gates,Steve Jobs)
more of us are at the base of the
Food Pyramid than are at the top.

i had a point here..hold on, ah yes.
WallStreet plunges,
the MSM keeps telling us suckers that
"Now is a good time to buy."
but the common wisdom is that
WallStreet feeds on poor peeps cash,
like a Casino Capitalism Ponzi Scheme
run for and by The Rich.(Bernie Madoff et al).

i hope, in the tiny bright spot of optimism
(a flame i rarely fan) deep within my heart
that the naked excesses of the
Robber Barons OAD will ignite
a spark of True Reform to rebuild the
Original American Dream in a more egalitarian model
along the lines of THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES
who planned for seven generations ahead
and trod lightly upon the earth.

is the OAD sexist,racist,discriminatory Class Warfare?
yes yes and yes.
can it be healed and Re Dreamed?
my heart sez Yes  but my head sez No.
enjoy the ride,while we can...

GTG dawn is breaking

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