
Thursday, August 18, 2011

illegalize this!

"To throw obstacles in the way of a complete 
education is like putting out the eyes." Elizabeth Cady Stanton

aloha2u today,
taking a break from MSNBCs coverage
of 3 peeps dead from an incurable brain eating ameoba,
and no it's NOT the MSM  is it?

anyhoo, world salad today.  nothing too lenghty,
still working on a pain-free ergonomic PC posution
plus i see yet another doctor today,saw one yesterday
and will see two next week.(white coat fatigue sigh)

@ KALIpornia....
*front page of the daily fishwrap
(the S'Cruz Sentinel-sic) has a scary story
about the "success" of PREDICITIVE POLICING,
once again i urge you to see the film
MINORITY REPORT to see where this is heading
as the fevgov alphabet agencies merge with
staat and local cops.

in related news said merger,
under the fedgov rubrik of
"Secure Communities",
under O BOMBER
even more than Dubya apparently (sigh)
destroying lives and families?
not a problem...

*speaking of problems yesterday
LA Mayor Tony Villagrosa
quietly suggested it was time to hea
l KALIpornia's precarious budget situ
by closing the PROP 13  loophole for
BIG BIZ which has kneecapped the state economy
but today Guv. Jerry "Dirty" Brown
sez he would prefer to focus on
"financial stability".
say what?
as tho undoing the mess that PROP 13
has wrought is unimportant as compared
to Austerity Measures against the Poor and Very Poor
(peeps like me)..

the is a new crime spree on the books
huffing bath salts,i kid you not!
(Jack Paar TV catchphrase  trivia)
i have noticed due to my many mishaps
with Allopathic traditional medicine
( MSM RX?) that,esp. for the brown
and poor whites,
the American Justice System (sic)
tends to treat the symptoms of problems
rather than the causes. for one thing this
cheap and simple and for another it is
class oriented as The Elites
and their wayward offspring rarely,
if ever, get equal punishment
under the law ( sigh & cry).
this peertains to victimless crimes and racist arrsts
(see Chicago & New Orleans on going
police scandals).

one clear example comes to mind,
i usedta work at a high end hotel in Frisco
two blocks from Union Square
and the cable cars etc etc.
it was a slow night and i was posted in the lobby,
i watched a traffic stop of a car
fulla young blax (males) where they go all
of them out of the car,undressed them,
turned their pockets inside out,
ran an ID check on their squad car's
radio  then after about 45 minutes let them go.
as an older black man i was offended
even as i was when i witnessed
a young white whore being mugged,so i thot,
turns out it was just the Vice Squad's SOP.
i saw this kinda tactic twice,once
while walking down the street in the seedy na
be where i lived (The Tenderloin) and again
in the lobby of the hotel where i worked.
The "Pussy Posse" (Vice Squad)
were out of control.

which reminds me of another vignette.
the actor AL PACINO was in Frisco
and chose to meet his dad in the lobby
of my hotel after hours, so Pacino father and son are
having a heart to heart while me and
his bodyguard wait out of earshot.

suddenly there is a gunshot!
the bodyguard pushes the two Pacinos
against a thick brick wall then
the two of us go out to see what the Hell is up.
on the sidewalk outside the main entrance
a crazed white man holds a gun to the head
of a hapless black whore while a
gaagle of angry whore surrounds them.
my my my...
"Arrest him,he ain't no Police!"
the whores chant,reasoning that
no sane man or Popo
would fire a weapon in the densely
populated Tenderloin/Theater District.
sound reasoning but wrong in this instance.
"He ain't NO Police!" they repeat.
the bodyguard looks to me...
i reassure them that this nutbag scrote
is INDEED the Police
but such a whack job nobody wants to work with him.
even when this maniac calls for back up and
several squad cars arrive the gaggle of whores
insist on riding along to make sure their sister
whore is not further mistreatesd.

speaking of whores,
Frisco elected a DA in the 70s
Joe Freitas who said he would no longer
prosecute whores for whoring.
a noble gesture.
trouble is The City (as it is known)
was swamped by rough trade whores
from the East Bay who were ferocious.
one East Bay hard case killed
a local Frisco whore by driving
a spiked heel thru her eyeball in a dispute
over a lucrative corner.
so it was with some surprise
that i witnessed some local whores
invade my lobby begging me
to call the cops against the other
hardened whores who were threatening them...
i was even more surprised when
the cops showed up to mediate the dispute
and send the  hard whores packing back
to the East Bay, they took Polaroids
just in case.

i grew up in Harlem,NYC
where many peeps (of both sexes)
became whores
to support their drug habits.
so i guess i was relatively non-judgmental
when it came to whores.
my Rules were simple
1.come in and fuck your trick then leave.
don't go knocking on door looking for more biz.
2.don't steal from your tricks.
violate either rule and i will pull
you off the tricks arm and toss you out.
until other Hotel Security i neither ran whores
or accepted bribes. i was The Real Deal
as some called me.

this established sometimes,
when it was slow, whores would drop into socialize.
it was cool altho it puzzled the Front Desk.
lil known fact in Frisco its only the street whore,
the so called grunts-street infantry, who are punished
is you work for an Escort Service
"the High Priced Spread"
you sign into an Escort Log at
the Front Desk. my first year on the job i was amused
as some Aussie winemakers broke all the rules.
four or five short happy Aussies found
a tall black street whore and took her to their room
then kept her on for a week as courtesan and tour guide.
so she'd come in with them with her bouncy
boobs and ass barely covered and
send other guests into a tizzy, it was wonderful.

GTG both arms starting to ache now

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