Saturday, January 14, 2012

the week that was 2012

aloha2u today,
this week has physically and mentally kicked my ass.
5 appointments in 5 days,something i never Plan to do.
from massage to 3 medicos to one committee
mtg i have been running like a debtor from the collection agents.
BTW did you notice 90% of pain relief ads are so
that you can get BACK TO WORK?
worse than those damn penis ads spam.

almost no time to absorb the punishment from the so called GOP Primaries.
Willard MITTENS Romney has NEWTered his competition,
i like the MSNBC analogy of it being a clown car overstuffed with crazy.all too right.
whoever thot that Sarah Palin would look sane by comparison?
you did notice she moved to racist Arizona with dottir Bristol,
where her allegedly cockold hubby lives is anyone's guess.

i am looking forwards to this years election like
a root canal with no anesthetic.O BOMBER
has gone from being a reckless warmonger and
drone attack addict to an NDAA threat to our personal liberties.
make no mistake
IMHO the Untied Snakes
was NEVER what it claimed to be
freedomwise but within the last dozen years
i have watched what we mistook for
democracy shredded like cheap single ply TP
when you got the runs.
OCCUPY is the tip of the iceberg,hopefully,
when it comes to reclaiming THE AMERICAN DREAM
from the jaws of Elites Oligarchy.

basically we are being treated like
the naked chattel sheeple
we are and the velvet glove or silk mask
of 1776 has been stripped off
as the 1984 command OBEY
is issued from on high.

i love this country
i love the peeps more
than i love this harsh shell
Fedgov has revealed to us all..
as i have stated,it gives me no
pleasure that others are finally waking up
to what i have seen all along.
do i think its too late?

but i could be wrong.
Mittens or O Bomber
i would like to think there is a difference
and not the Janus coin of crony capitalism run amok.
it matters not whther it is Caligula,Claudius or Nero
who brings down the curtain on the American Empire.

BTW i used to be automatically linked to Facebook
with each blog.that ended in 2012
so you guys gotta do your part and
tell your friends,or enemies, to come read this blog
also i would like to have more Feedback? hullo?
i have added all the gadgets and widgets
available to make this painless.

BTW 2 it was 75 in our backyard yesterday.
this is Chamber of Commerce KALIpornia weather
and that is not good.we need the rain.
how is it where you live?
(hint hint)
Alice Roosevelt Longworth

Occupy 2012

1 comment:

  1. I guess we're supposed to get snow or something, tonight/tomorrow. It's been unusual dry for this normally rainy climate but I LIKE that. I'm not a fan of the rain.

    As far as politics, well, I've reached the point where I try not to think about it too much because it doesn't do any good. O is still better than any Repub, but not by much. And we won't do any better until enough people care... and despite all that has happened, most people are still tuned out, I think. So we just have to make a guest appearance as the new Soviet Union for awhile, and try to stay out of the Gulags.
