aloha 2u,
SOUL MATE has been gently teasing me all week..SO WHO GAVE YOU A "PUNDITS LICENSE"? ever since i blogged YANQUI GET ANGRY? and three days later PAUL KRUGMAN, the Nobel winner economist did a gentler column on the same subject.
KRUGMAN was dismayed that THE ELITES were willing to throw the working class under the bus and accept 10 to 13 percent Permanent Unemployment as "STRUCTURAL" i.e. meaning washing their hands of the whole business.this is what i have been saying for awhile, it doesn't take a genius (does it?) so see what is happening in Europe, watch endless hours of M
in a related tangent, saw PLUNDER; THE CRIME OF OUR TIMES by Danny Schecter (sp?) on LINK TV last week, SM taped it. fascinating and depressing as it profiles said ELITES wiping their feet on our mutual economy.a hedge fund manager profiled on 60 minutes (i think) made #3 BILLION in one year betting Against the economy, much as GEORGE SOROS did in Europe years ago.
as i predicted the felons at BP are conspiring with the DEMOPUBLICANS to tell we, the sheeple, MOVE ALONG MOVE ALONG,NOTHING TO SEE HERE about the " 8x bigger than Exxon Valdez" Gulf Oil Spill. given the wretched economy and the fact that more peeps are working more hours weekly For Less, i am not surprised peeps can't keep up. i have a life, sorta, and even i sometimes miss things.all this lying to playing towards future litigation and amnesia among the easily overwhelmed sheeple.
think of BP and other felons next time when Tea Baggers proclaim they want to destroy the Dept. of Education and go back to state controlled-separate but UN equal...i am living aging proof that Once Upon A Time even a poor black kid from Harlem could get a fairly decent education in this country.Now....
hmmm, i think there was one more thing i wanted to rant about....LOST IT, maybe next time,oh wait...
it is ALLEGED that Google (DO NO EVIL) and Verizon have conspired to make a deal to two tier the Internet so that BROADBAND is out of the reach of the poor, even tho it will still be slower than Japan & Europe. O BOMBER promised this would not happen (saw the tapes on tv,) now he and his toothless FCC are sitting on their hands letting it happen -IT IS ALLEGED...lets see how this plays out.
if this note doesn't get me shut down,
i will talk to y'all next time...
Oh I agree re Google. Bob said exactly the same.
ReplyDeleteRegarding running government as a business. May I point out that business is run to maximize profit. So if you actually run government that way your goal would be to provide the least amount of services possible while collecting the maximum amount of taxes and pocketing the proceeds.
The biggest taboo in American life is any substantive discussion of wealth and inequality in our society. Aka CLASS.