on jewelry
'I don't want nothing om my arm but my watch and MY MAN." SOUL MATE @18 years ago
Chriss ON DETACHMENT...yes i am addicted to Knowledge & have no plans to change just now.i am NOT A JEDI NOR A BUDDHA, i try 2B a boddhisatva and fail often.pay it forward.
it is what it is,so am i...SIGH.
re read the original blogs, i am not NICE gave up on that years ago.
taped to my creaky stemapunk PC b4 me as i type...
did you know that a few years ago the Japanese tried to outsource their elderly to South Korea and Thailand, the elders refused to go so now the J ar4e attempting to robotize healthcare for the elderly.today there was an article in the SF Chronicle on the same subject here in the US of Amnesia, i was teasing SM about it over breakfast this ayem.she protested that the robot in the picture would not look good in a muu muu, good point.
speaking of de-tachment, notice no wordy blogs this week?
when your doc keeps tossing out words like CANCER & PRE-CANCEROUS it tends to focus the mind like a laser as do CT SCANS & iodine drinks/IVs WHICH COULD, JUST POSSIBLY, CAUSE TOTAL RENAL FAILURE WITH THE DRUGS YOUR ARE CURRENTLY TAKING...WTF?
anyway, after feeling lower than whale sh*t for weeks i had a good nites sleep and went to a Happy Valley potluck house party on saturday with SM, who sang with THE RAGIN' GRANNIES before a remarkable bluegrass band (B Creek?) sang their hearts out.i ate more than even i could believe, the most in weeks & weeks, and sweated in the 80 degree plus shade. IT WAS WONDERFUL! I HAD A GREAT TIME & GREAT FOOD WITH GOOD PEEPS.tomorrow i am set to give more blood again HUGE HUGE SIGH.
i play to my strengths, which are few & dwindling.
namaste y'all
mad mega
Well, I hope you feel better, anyway. :) Being addicted to knowledge is fine, too. Everything is fine. As long as you wish to accept the suffering that goes with it.
ReplyDeleteMy obscure saying: You may eat any meal that life serves, but you must eat it from the dish upon which it arrives.