'The inmates ARE running the asylum." ad copy found at 25th & Balboa for Batman_Arkham Asylum
aloha again, still recovering from a 27 hour visit to Frisco.
first the good news,
he has been doing his excercises and is experiencing some nerve regrowth.
as i have mentioned, i drove a cab in Frisco from 1974 to 1980 and it was INSANE.
well, it is worse now.the streets are more crowded, the jaywalkers and wrong way drivers more flagrant and the homeless more verbal and/or truculent plus the working girls and Montgomery Street honeys now dress alike SIGH.
we slept at an elder/youth hostel at 312 Mason,at O Farrell, where our $100 a nite queen sized bed turned out to be a slab of foam and where we noticed, upon leaving, a bowl of free earplugs on the front desk.people were yelling,screaming and rattling bottles all nite long...all this a mere block from Union Square. Soul Mate went out exploring and wound up playing human bumper car with the surly morning crowds.
we were both wound up tighter than a $2 watch with all the craziness, traffic and unexpected long walks uphill carrying luggage.
we all had a good meal in the Castro with MY EX (*) her mohawk haircut and Z Man plus we had long talks about depression & disability,dating,sexual relations and Twinkling.the next day SM drove to the Mission where she tried to sell books while i watched the changing demographic of the local renters.
I USED TO LOVE LIVING IN SAN FRANCISCO but that was decades ago...i was SO HAPPY to return Home with its languid pace and the lack of tourists. now my back is screwed up and i have two appointments for chiropractic and massage coming up due to this excursion.SIGH.
i was going to write about the looming PANDEMIC PANIC and who stands to make a $50 billion profits from it.i am still collecting data for that blog..SOON i promise!
in other news,
Senator Max Baucus has delivered for his corporate masters.
Big Whoop, a 13% INCREASE OVER PRESENT RATES, oh yeah that'll solve a lotta problems with healthcare.
Mahayana y'all
semper gonzo
100 dollars a night for a hostel... sheesh! Obviously I'm really not in step with the modern economics of America; I don't think I've ever paid that much for a real hotel room.